Study Title:

Q10 Helps Protect the Digestive Tract from Inflammatory Insult

Study Abstract

Coenzyme Q10 is an essential cofactor in the mitochondrial electron transport pathway, and is endowed for its potent antioxidant capacity; characters that endorse its implication in several clinical practices and as a food supplement. Nevertheless, its potential gastro-protective effect, in acute models, has never been assessed, which is the objective of this study. Since indomethacin mediated gastropathy is multifaceted, including mitochondrial dysfunction and generation of reactive oxygen species, thus, the indomethacin-induced gastric injury serves as a convenient animal model for this work. Rats treated with indomethacin revealed mucosal hemorrhagic lesions, increased microvascular permeability and inhibited prostaglandin E₂ and mucus content. Redox imbalance was reflected by decreased mucosal glutathione (GSH), nitric oxide and glutathione peroxidase contents/activity, along with elevated lipid peroxides. Pretreatment with CoQ10 caused discernible decrease in indomethacin-induced gastric lesions, vascular permeability and lipid peroxide content. In addition, prostaglandin E₂ and GSH levels were restored, while those of nitric oxide and glutathione peroxidase were elevated significantly above normal; however, mucus formation was not altered significantly. The positive effects were comparable to those of sucralfate, the standard drug used herein, except for the mucus and prostaglandin E₂ levels that were increased above normal by sucralfate. CoQ10-mediated gastroprotective effect involves preservation of microvascular permeability, elevation of prostaglandin E₂, improvement of redox status, as well as boosting of nitric oxide. Nevertheless, maintaining gastric mucus content is ruled out.

Study Information

El-Abhar HS.
Coenzyme Q10: a novel gastroprotective effect via modulation of vascular permeability, prostaglandin E₂, nitric oxide and redox status in indomethacin-induced gastric ulcer model.
Eur J Pharmacol.
2010 December
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University, Kasr El-Aini Str., 11562 Cairo, Egypt.