Our Writing Commitment

We strive to bring you accurate, reliable, and relevant natural health information to help you take charge of your health and feel vibrant and well at every age!

Natural health focus

At Wellness Resources, we formulate high quality nutritional supplements to help you strengthen your health. We also provide you with high quality natural health information to support you on your wellness journey. Our news articles are focused on natural health and holistic wellness. We write about:

  • A wide range of health topics
  • The latest nutritional studies
  • Vitamins, minerals, herbs
  • Quality of nutritional supplements
  • Eating and lifestyle habits
  • Exercise and fitness
  • Analysis of trending health news

Science-based articles

Our health news articles are based on scientific research, medical studies, and clinical expertise. Every article is thoroughly researched, and sources are vetted to ensure accuracy. References are linked throughout news articles.

Written by health experts

Our natural health and wellness articles are written by and reviewed by health professionals. Authorship information is at the top of every article page. Our writers have a knack for taking complex scientific information and explaining it in an easy-to-understand manner.

For educational purposes

Our health articles are for educational purposes. This information should not be considered a diagnosis, treatment, or cure for disease. It should not replace appropriate medical care.

We welcome your feedback

We want to give you relevant and helpful content. If you have any comments or feedback, please contact us. We would love to hear from you!



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