Study Title:

Cissus Quadrangularis: A Natural Proton Pump Inhibitor

Study Abstract


This study was undertaken to study in vitro H(+) -K(+) ATPase inhibitory potential of methanolic extract of Cissus quadrangularis Linn. MATERIALS AND MATHODS: Total phenolic and flavonoid contents from extract was quantified and H(+) -K(+) ATPase inhibition assay was performed in presence of different concentrations of standard (omeprazole) and methanol extract.


Extract showed significant (*P < 0.05) proton pump inhibitory activity in the goat gastric mucosal homogenate which was comparable to standard.


These findings showed that methanolic extract of C. quadrangularis Linn. is potent inhibitor of proton pump.


Gastroduodenal ulcers are one of the most common problems faced by populace worldwide. Hyperchlorhydria is a condition characterized by uncontrolled hypersecretion of hydrochloric acid from parietal cells of gastric mucosa through proton pump.[1] A large number of therapeutic interventions are available for treatment of gastric ulcers, such as proton pump inhibitors, anticholinergics, histamine H2 receptor antagonist, antacids and anticholinergics. These drugs suffer from side effects including, allergic reaction, arrythmia, gynecomastia, etc.[2,3]

Nature serves to be a rich repository of medicinal plants[4–6] and macrofungi,[7] from time immortal man is using herbs for health benefits. A large number of chemical compounds from medicinal herbs express antiulcer activity.[8,9] Many plants in folk medicine are known for their antiulcer potential. Cissus quadrangularis Linn. (Vitaceae) commonly known as ‘bone setter’, is frequently used as a common food item in India.[10] The stout fleshy quandrangular stem of C. quadrangularis Linn. is an edible plant found throughout the hotter parts of India, Malaya, West Africa, and Sri Lanka.[11] The stem is used for the treatment of eye and ear diseases, irregular menstruation, asthma, piles, and tumors, fractures of bones, wounds, and scurvy.[12]

A large number of phytoconstituents such as α-amyrin and α-amyrone, β-sitosterol, ketosteroid, oxo-steroid, onocer-7-ene-3α, 21β-diol and onocer-7-ene3β, 21α-diol, stilbene derivatives, and quercitin are found in it,[13] herb is also rich in β-carotene.[14] The extract of C. quadrangularis Linn. was reported to show antiulcer and cytoprotective property in various experimental ulcer models,[15,16] but still its activity on enzyme H+ -K+ ATPase remains to be unknown. On the basis of these observations, the aim of the study was to determine the activity of plant extract on enzyme H+ -K+ -ATPase.


A large number of phytochemicals such as tannins, flavonoids, tannins, and triterpenes from plants have previously demonstrated potential antiulcerogenic activity.[25,26] Catechin and epicatechin are reported to be potent non-competitive inhibitors of H+ -K+ -ATPase.[27] Plant polyphenols and flavonoids are used in treatment of gastric ulcers.[27] Flavonoids are capable of defending gastric damage. Flavonoids are excellent antioxidant; some of them are capable of enhancing mucosal content of prostaglandins. Apart from this, they preserve capillary integrity and restore normal function of mucus membrane.[28]

Quantitative estimation on the plant extract showed the presence of phytoconstituents such as phenolics and flavonoids. In this study, the possible mechanism of protection to gastric ulcer was evaluated. H+ -K+ ATPase is a key enzyme in inducing acidity; in this study, the ability of methanolic extract to inhibit H+ -K+ ATPase in vitro isolated from goat stomach was studied. In vitro studies are considered necessary in order to evaluate the potential of phytochemicals to enter in the cell and additionally to exemplify their interaction with the gastric ATPase. Enzyme H+ -K+ ATPase is an important enzyme system located on apical secretory membrane of partial cell. In this study, dose-dependent inhibition of enzyme by omeprazole and extract was observed, suggesting that the C. quadrangularis Linn. extract was significantly (*P<0.05) able to inhibit enzyme H+ -K+ ATPase, responsible for the secretion of acid and effect was comparable to omeprazole.

Therefore, it could be concluded that the inactivation of H+ -K+ ATPase is the major gastroprotective mechanisms of action of C. quadrangularis Linn., which indicates its protective role against inhibiting gastric proton pump and opens a door for isolation and characterization of active compounds responsible for it.

Study Information

Yadav P, Ganeshpurkar A, Rai G.
In vitro H(+) -K(+) ATPase inhibitory potential of methanolic extract of Cissus quadrangularis Linn.
Pharmacognosy Res.
2012 April
Department of Pharmacology, Shri Ram Institute of Technology -Pharmacy, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India.

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