Study Title:

B12: Why you need Methylcobalamin and Adenosylcobalamin

Study Abstract

Deficient in vitamin B12? Trying to decide on a B12 supplement?

Cyanocobalamin, hydroxocobalamin, methylcobalamin, adenosylcobalamin, what form is best? The better question is what combination is best.

With vitamin B12 playing a vital role in the formation of healthy blood cells, energy production, nervous system, cognitive function and homocysteine regulation, it is important to supplement with the right form and combination for bioavailability and absorption.

One of the forms of B12 that is readily available and inexpensive is cyanocobalamin. However, it is synthetic and requires methylation to be utilized and eliminated from the body. The irony is that many people supplement with B12 for the express purpose of supporting methylation.

So what about hydroxocobalamin?

Hydroxocobalamin is a natural form of B12, attached to a hydroxyl group and if your body easily converts hydroxocobalamin to the active forms of B12 then this may be all you need to supplement a B12 deficiency. However, for those who need help in the conversion process or have methylation or neurological dysfunction then methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin will likely be required.

The European Journal of Clinical Nutrition concluded that the best way to address a B12 deficiency is the combination of the active forms MeCbl and AdCbl.[i]


The active coenzyme forms of B12, methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin bypass usual mechanisms of absorption that rely on intrinsic factor.

The combination is effective in addressing both the neurological and haematopoietic pathways.

Methylcobalamin is found in the cytosol of cells and interacts with an enzyme called methionine synthase; a critical enzyme involved in DNA synthesis and may be particularly useful for individuals with impaired methylation capacity.

Adenosylcobalamin is the mitochondrial form of the B12 vitamin found in cellular tissues and interacts with an enzyme called methylmalonyl CoA mutase, a metabolic enzyme, and may be useful for those with impaired energy production.

Methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin have different functions thus providing a total solution for those with B12 deficiency.

Seeking Health provides this winning combination of methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin in the following supplements:

Active B12 lozenge

Active B12 lozenge with L-5-MTHF

B Complex Plus capsules

Optimal Multivitamin Chewable

Optimal Multivitamin with Iron

Optimal Prenatal Capsule

Optimal Prenatal Powder

Homocystex Plus

Kid’s Optimal Multivitamin

Talk to your doctor to find out what form of the B12 vitamin is right for your body.

For further information, check out Dr. Lynch’s online course, Methylation and Clinical Nutrigenomics part 1.

Study Information

B12: Why you need Methylcobalamin and Adenosylcobalamin

2015 February

Full Study