Study Title:

[Influence of nutritional patterns on the severity of acne in young adults].

Study Abstract

Currently, one of discussed questions of acne etiopathogenesis is alimentary factors, in particular, national dietary habits at different regions and the role of diet. The purpose of this research: from the standpoint of evidence-based medicine to reveal the influence of dietary intake (energy value of the diet, macro- and micronutrients content) on the actual severity of acne in young people. We observed 180 respondents aged 15 to 25 years. The main group included 90 patients with moderate to severe acne, who were treated at the Center for Dermatology and prevention of sexually transmitted diseases in Astana, including 38 girls and 52 boys, mean age 20.5 +/- 4.3 years. The control group consisted of 90 apparently healthy subjects (36 girls and 54 boys, mean age 19.8 +/- 4.2 years) without even a single manifestation of non-inflammatory or inflammatory acne elements. Studying the actual food consumption was carried out by a 24-hour (daily) food recall using specially designed questionnaires and albums.
regular meals with excess energy value significantly contributes to the progression of disease severity in young people with acne [the power of influence in young men was 0.43 (43%), girls--0.42 (42%)], the excess of the normal daily requirements for carbohydrates also significantly affect the severity of acne [the power of influence in young men--0.23 (23%), in girls--0.35 (35%)], lack of vitamin A (retinol) and its provitamin (carotene) significantly affect the severity of acne (the power of influence in young men--0.44 (44%) and 0.42 (42%), respectively, in girls--0.46 (46%) and 0.31 (31%), respectively); in young men with severe acne vitamin D deficiency with a force of 0.3 (30%) significantly potentiates the inflammatory process; lack of zinc in the diet significantly affects the severity of the pathological process in severe forms of acne, the power of influence of this micronutrient in young men--0.44 (44%), women--0.34 (34%).

Study Information

Vopr Pitan. 2014;83(1):41-7.

Full Study