Viral Replication Fueled by Sugar

By Byron J. Richards, Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist

December 19, 2013

Viral Replication Fueled by Sugar
This past weekend, researchers presented findings showing that viral replication is dependent on the supply of glucose available to the cell. While it is unlikely that any anti-viral drug will ever be produced from these findings, the research has immense flu-fighting practical value.

I have long observed in individuals trying to fight off an infection that if they make the mistake of snacking on something with sugar or eating too much sugar at a meal, which is quite easy to do during the holidays, then the bug they were fighting will rapidly develop into a full blown infection within an hour or two.

The moral of the story is that if you are fighting a bug, do not eat foods high in sugar between meals and minimize the sugar intake at a meal.

This study also explains why individuals with higher-than-normal circulating levels of glucose are more likely to get sick during the winter. Managing blood glucose levels in a healthy way, a type of metabolic fitness that can take months to improve if it has gotten off track (obesity and type 2 diabetes), is an important aspect for healthy immune function.

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