Top 6 Reasons You Can’t Lose Weight

By Wellness Resources

April 9, 2018

Top 6 Reasons You Can’t Lose Weight
Have you tried every diet with minimal success? Perhaps you lose some weight and then gain it right back. The old "calories-in, calories-out" model is ancient history. Scientists now know that weight loss hinges on so much more than eating less and exercising more. If you have ever tried to lose weight and failed, there is probably much more to the story than just lacking willpower!

Healthy weight loss begins with following the Five Rules of The Leptin Diet, getting regular refreshing exercise, and eating a clean diet. For some people with a significantly challenged metabolism or history of yo-yo dieting, there may be other factors that should be addressed. 

There are many reasons why a person may encounter a weight loss plateau. The following is a list of the most common weight loss challenges you are likely dealing with if you have hit a weight loss plateau. Address them one at a time until you get to your goal weight and you will be much more likely to maintain your weight loss.

1. Poorly Functioning Thyroid

If you are too tired to exercise, feel foggy headed, are always cold, or experience an afternoon energy crash, these are tell-tale signs that your thyroid isn’t working as efficiently as it should be. Weight gain or trouble losing weight is often a symptom that accompanies a thyroid condition since the thyroid regulates metabolic rate like a thermostat.

A shortage of nutrients that make thyroid hormone T4 (thyroxin) is a common reason why people may have symptoms of a sluggish thyroid, even if lab tests come back clinically normal. Thus, people with thyroid symptoms, even those on thyroid medication, can seek to improve their metabolic function by using basic nutrients to support healthy thyroid and metabolic function. 

The Thyroid Quiz 

2. Underlying Digestive Problems

Science overwhelmingly shows that imbalanced gut flora are present in overweight people and are metabolically active in a way that promotes weight gain. Good gut health centers on beneficial flora. Probiotics help to keep the bad bugs from growing out of control.

Bad bugs produce toxins called lipopolysacchardies (LPS) that trigger inflammation, insulin resistance or pre-diabetes and weight gain. Elevated LPS levels in the blood are found in almost all overweight people. Bacterial imbalances and elevated LPS toxins injure and inflame the lining of your digestive tract. An inflamed digestive tract causes the hunger hormone ghrelin to rise which results in cravings.

The Leptin Diet Challenge #2 - How Digestive Problems Prevent Weight Loss 

Leaky Gut Syndrome: More Than Just a Gut Problem 

Gut Bacteria Influence Weight Loss 

3. A Clogged Liver

When you gain weight, your liver becomes overloaded with excess fat and toxins from your digestive tract (like LPS). Your liver plays a central role in the metabolism of any type of calorie, but it especially regulates carbohydrates. In fact, having a fatty liver elevates the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 500 percent. This is one reason why Rule #5 of the Leptin Diet, Reduce the Amount of Carbohydrates You Eat, is so important to getting your metabolism back on track.

Nutrition can be a helpful tool to use if you struggle with carbohydrate or sugar cravings.

Unclog Your Liver and Lose Belly Fat 

How Blood Sugar Influences Cravings 

Balance Blood Sugar and Beat Holiday Cravings 

4. Overwhelmed With Stress

Managing excessive cortisol levels is key to losing weight. Cortisol, known as the stress hormone, is released by the adrenal glands. When a stressful event occurs, cortisol normally rises to help your body deal with the demand. Then, cortisol should return to its baseline level. However, when cortisol continues to be elevated on an ongoing basis, it can be problematic for weight. Too much cortisol turns off fat burning genes in the liver and leads to insulin resistance, less fat burn, more belly fat, and obesity. Your liver, the main metabolic organ, is greatly affected by stress.

The Stressful Truth About Belly Fat

Stress and Adrenals: Restoring the HPA Axis 

Weight Loss Platueaus, Leptin and Brain Inflammation 

5. Skimping on Sleep

Countless studies have shown there is a strong correlation between getting adequate sleep and maintaining a healthy weight. Even if you have started eating healthier and exercising, skimping on sleep can seriously undermine your weight loss efforts because sleep is your opportunity for optimal fat burning. If you follow Rule #1: Never Eat After Dinner (allow 11-12 hours between dinner and breakfast), you will optimize fat-burning and body repair during sleep.

If you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, a variety of nutrients can promote more restful sleep. 

Maximize Sleep to Burn More Fat 

Body Clocks and Weight Management – It’s All About Timing

Tips To Improve Sleep Naturally 

6. Toxin Overload

One common reason for experiencing the dreaded weight loss plateau is toxins. If your liver becomes overloaded with toxins, it looks for alternative ways to deal with toxins. In an attempt to keep internal organs safe, your body will store fat-soluble toxins in your fat cells. Once you start to lose weight, fat cells release the toxins into the bloodstream. You must keep these toxins moving out of the body, otherwise, weight loss will halt.

Managing your detoxification systems properly as you lose weight is an important determining factor in how much progress you make and whether or not you reach your goal weight. By far, the most important place to start is with adequate fiber which helps clear toxins and keep bowels moving during weight loss. Getting 35-50 grams of fiber per day is essential when on a weight loss program.

Why Toxins and Waste Products Impede Weight Loss - The Leptin Diet Weight Loss Challenge #3 

Detoxification During Weight Loss 

10-Day Detox 

Weight loss can be a frustrating journey. If you have been following the 5 Rules of The Leptin Diet and exercising, but you still haven’t reached your weight loss goal, then address the root causes of weight gain one at a time and you will be much more likely to see success and maintain your weight loss.

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