Sluggish Thyroid Impairs Blood Sugar Metabolism

By Byron J. Richards, Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist

June 17, 2009

An interesting study shows that individuals with insulin resistance and low thyroid1 have a much more difficult time trying to fix their metabolism. On a 16 week weight loss program of diet and exercise, those without thyroid problems were much more able to correct insulin resistance.

The finding is important because it shows how poor thyroid function adds insult to injury, reducing the cellular ability to utilize oxygen. I recently reported how important extra antioxidants are for improved oxygen function and healthier weight loss in response to exercise. This study also suggests that improving thyroid function, if sluggish, is also important for proper oxygen utilization at the cellular level.

The basic data implies that any person who has a history of yo-yo dieting should always support thyroid function during weight loss.

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