Pfizer – Lipitor Suit Moves Forward while Officials Flee the Law in Nigeria

By Byron J. Richards, Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist

December 26, 2007

Pfizer – Lipitor Suit Moves Forward while Officials Flee the Law in Nigeria
Lipitor for lowering cholesterol (a statin) is the best selling drug of all time. A newly unveiled lawsuit based on information provided by a top former Pfizer exec now turned whistleblower is showing that this stroke of marketing genius was based on blatantly illegal marketing and pushing the drug on Americans who really did not need it. As the poster child for the statin scam Pfizer has likely damaged the health of millions of Americans. Now there is an attempt to hit them where it counts, in the pocket book.

Meanwhile, the morality of Pfizer continues to shine around the world as three top executives try to flee the law in Nigeria after killing and injuring children while conducting drug experiments. Such brutal experimentation in third world countries is common practice by Big Pharma, where regulation is lax and bad results commonly don’t show up in the scientific literature and are not included as part of the drug’s history when it is presented to the FDA for approval. Pfizer is facing 2 billion in damages in the Nigerian case and some of its top executives are literally on the run from the law. Hopefully the judge on the Lipitor case will take note of the flight risk and hold top Pfizer execs without bail (ho-ho-ho).

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