Men Who Are Fit Live Longer

By Byron J. Richards, Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist

January 23, 2008

Men Who Are Fit Live Longer
A study released today in Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association tested 15,660 African-American and Caucasian men over a 7.5 year period to determine if exercise capacity is a specific predictor of mortality. The study found that very fit individuals had a 70% reduced death rate and highly fit individuals had a 50% reduced death rate.

The researchers used treadmill performance to test fitness in terms of how well each man used oxygen to perform activity. For each incremental step of fitness improvement there was a 13% reduction in mortality rate, compared to the least fit.

There is no question that for men or women consistent physical activity that results in fitness is a key foundation for longevity as well as maintaining optimal body weight. Exercise turns on genes that use nutrients to foster health. If you don't turn the genes on – nothing much happens. The choice is yours.

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