Lack of D Causes Weight Gain & Stunts Growth

By Byron J. Richards, Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist

December 11, 2008

Lack of D Causes Weight Gain & Stunts Growth
Researchers tested 100 young women, ages 16 to 22, to see if a lack of vitamin D was associated with poor bone mineral density. What they found surprised them.

Fifty-nine percent of the young women lacked vitamin D. Those lacking vitamin D had significantly more body fat.

Rather than finding poor bone mineral density, they found reduced bone growth. In other words, the lack of vitamin D prevented young women from reaching their genetic potential in terms of height.

Here is a message that may get the attention of young women: If you would like to be shorter and fatter then don't get enough vitamin D. 2000 IU of vitamin D per day are needed by just about everyone in the winter months.

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