I3C and DIM - Benefits Beyond Detoxification

By Dr. Linda J. Dobberstein, DC, Board Certified in Clinical Nutrition

January 4, 2021

I3C and DIM - Benefits Beyond Detoxification
I3C and DIM play additional roles beyond its critical roles in detoxification of xenobiotics and xenoestrogens as described in the recent article I3C+DIM Provide Powerful Cell Protection and Xenobiotic Detoxification. I3C and DIM also show great promise by providing antioxidant and other surprising multi-faceted benefits. You might recall your mother saying broccoli, cabbage, and other vegetables are good for you, but did not have a reason why. Here are some benefits of I3C and DIM beyond detoxification.

Heart and Circulatory Health

I3C and DIM provide positive antioxidant support for heart and circulatory health. Surprising benefits include aiding fluid management and ease of blood flow within circulation. In addition, I3C and DIM help modulate inflammatory mechanisms and provide antioxidant support to the inner endothelial lining in blood vessels. This one-cell thick lining is highly sensitive to free radical stress. I3C and DIM can be taken with other nutrients like resveratrol, tocotrienols/vitamin E, magnesium, curcumin, and pterostilbene to protect the endothelial lining.

I3C, DIM and Food Tolerance

A revelation with I3C and DIM relates to food sensitivity or tolerance. With ever-growing use of agricultural chemicals, our food supply is full of chemical-tainted foods. The immune system is challenged when these foods are consumed. Ingestion creates irritation, free radicals, and immune reactions within the digestive tract. Ongoing exposure to conventional foods treated with pesticides and herbicides is one of many reasons for the ever-increasing concerns of food sensitivities and intolerance

Fascinating preliminary research in animals suggests that I3C provides an important function in food tolerance. In one recent study, mice were exposed to TCDD, a chemical used to produce some herbicides. TCDD has been found to activate certain receptor sites that irritate immune system function. This can initiate the development of IgG (immunoglobulin G) food sensitivity. IgG reactions are a delayed food sensitivity reaction within the immune system. These reactions may occur a few hours to days after ingesting the food.

Researchers found that I3C binds onto the same receptor sites as TCDD, which blocked the TCDD toxin from adhering to the receptor site. This helped modulate or keep the immune system more stable. Results showed that mice fed food with I3C experienced lower levels of IgG and improved T-regulatory cell function, which helped tolerance to foods.

In other unique research, scientists found that I3C and DIM modulated immune response to food. This also led to a better tolerance to foods with more helpful T-regulatory cells, fewer pro-inflammatory Th17 cells and less IgG food reactions. These cellular and animal studies show promise for protection against food intolerances. You can learn more about IgG in the article Enlarged Adenoids Linked with Food Allergies.

Immune Modulator

Other studies have evaluated I3C for other immune modulation benefits. Animal studies demonstrated the benefit of I3C in the colon. It helped manage macrophages, cytokines, and T-cell activity in the colon.

Antioxidant for the Brain

Cell and animal studies demonstrated that as an antioxidant, DIM supports brain health including free-radical protection of the memory center of the brain, called the hippocampus. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a brain repair compound, was also supported with DIM. New research from cell studies suggests that DIM protects nerve cells from stress and supports healthy aging.

Weight Management

Preliminary studies suggest that I3C may also support weight management, cholesterol, and leptin. Researchers fed mice high-fat diets with and without I3C for 12 weeks. Several lab measurements were taken, evaluating obesity, blood sugar, cholesterol markers, and leptin. The group with the added I3C experienced fat loss, decreased body weight, improved blood sugar, and beneficial changes with cholesterol markers and leptin. Additional studies found less accumulation of fat inside of cells and dampened production of triglycerides in mice given I3C

Arachidonic Acid

DIM helps modulate COX-2 expression and arachidonic acid (AA) levels. In excess, COX2 and AA are pro-inflammatory compounds that cause cell irritation, pain and discomfort. Management of these compounds promote healthier tissue pH and cellular function. You can learn more about arachidonic acid in the articles Natural Support for Menstrual Discomfort and Key Nutrients for Improving Joint Health Naturally.

Broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and other cruciferous vegetables with I3C and DIM are superfoods that you do not want to miss out on. A well-balanced diet and supplement regime needs diversity. If you do not regularly consume cruciferous vegetables, consider adding this I3C+DIM supplement to your nutritional tool kit. If you ate a few more of these vegetables every week, can you imagine how that might impact your health in the long run? Better yet, rather than imagining it - do it. There is no better time.

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