Don’t Let Bacterial Infections Set Up Shop

By Byron J. Richards, Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist

December 20, 2013

Don’t Let Bacterial Infections Set Up Shop
New research on how bacterial infections form germ gangs known as biofilms is highly relevant to any person fighting and fully recovering from a bacterial infection. Clearly, it is important to get fully well and not let any unwanted visitors linger.

The researchers found that over a 30-day period infectious bacteria go through 500 cell divisions, each time trying to produce cells that are more resistant to the immune response. Their goal is to survive at your expense, and your goal is to kill them off. The longer an infection lingers (even after the acute phase), the more time it has to set up shop on a low grade basis and then flare back up given the opportunity. This is a prime feature of any recurring infection.

There are many nutrients that can assist the immune system to be more efficient. Now that we have superstrains of bacteria as a matter of routine, it is even more important to aggressively apply immune support nutrition to help your body fully clear out all symptoms of anything you may have been dealing with. You are not really well until you are fully well, meaning your energy is back on, your muscles have recovered, you can perform your daily demands without an abnormal power outage, and all the symptoms of the bug are fully cleared out. This may require anti-inflammatory, tissue healing, and energy-support nutrition in addition to immune support nutrition.

It is much better to be proactive with comprehensive nutrition support to assist full recovery than to let symptoms drag on and allow bacteria to keep developing resistance to your immune system.

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