Depression Causes Accelerated Bone Loss

By Byron J. Richards, Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist

December 4, 2009

Depression Causes Accelerated Bone Loss
A meta-analysis of individuals with depression1 shows that the greater the depression the more at risk the individual is for bone loss, especially in premenopausal women. Ironically, another study shows that taking SSRI antidepressants2 makes bone loss even worse. Furthermore, doctors have reported nervous system toxicity3 from the common bisphosphonate bone drugs, including hallucinations. This is an example of common health problems faced by many women wherein the medical approach to help them actually makes their health worse over time.

The problem with Western medicine is its reliance on toxic drugs that treat symptoms but do not solve problems. New science is very clear that both major depression and bone loss are caused by inflammation. Putting a Band-Aid on the symptoms does not address the real issue.

A comprehensive nutritional program to reduce inflammation targets the actual source of both issues, and when combined with a healthy diet, exercise, stress management/problem solving skills, and adequate sleep the individual can actually improve their health and fix the problems.

Medications are temporary solutions at best. Recovering your health by truly fixing the source of a problem is the only way to ensure true health over the long haul.

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