Decline in Reasoning Evident by Mid 40s

By Byron J. Richards, Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist

January 17, 2012

Decline in Reasoning Evident by Mid 40s
A study published in the British Medical Journal has documented that cognitive reasoning skills begin to decline in the mid 40s in both men and women and continue their slide over the next 25 years, picking up steam as they go. The researchers were surprised to find the extent of decline at younger ages, indicating significant quality of life and health issues are certain to plague an aging population. There is no need for you to be one of the statistics.

The research was based on 5198 men and 2192 women, aged 45-70 at the beginning of cognitive testing in 1997-9. These individuals all worked in the U.K’s civil service departments in London. The research used 5 age brackets, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, and 65-70. In both men and women on the 45-49 bracket the loss or reasoning ability was 3.6% over 10 years. As age increased the amount of lost reasoning ability increased. In the 65-70 bracket, the loss for men over the next decade was 9.6%, for women 7.4%. This data predicts that the “average person” between ages 45-75 loses almost 1/5 of their cognitive skill.

The researchers all agree that solving this problem requires early intervention. They note that high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and obesity are all linked to the accelerated rate of decline. In the world of public health backed by Big Pharma propaganda this means early and more aggressive use of drugs to target these common health problems. Ironically, blood pressure medication over many years will reduce the flow of oxygen to the brain and accelerate decline. Cholesterol medication is already know to be highly adverse to the brain, as an adverse side effect is lowering the needed amount of cholesterol in the receptors for neurotransmitters, this progressively making brain function worse over time.

It is obvious that society faces a very large problem, with Alzheimer’s onset happening at younger and younger ages. It is equally obvious that Big Pharma has nothing in the treatment or prevention arena that does much good. This means your best bet for preserving your natural cognitive ability will be to learn how your brain works and take the obvious steps, many of which are nutritional in nature, to slow and even reverse cognitive decline.

An analogy can be drawn between wrinkled skin and a wrinkled brain (reflecting cognitive decline). The first wrinkles being to show up in the mid 30s. If you don’t do something they become quite noticeable in your mid 40s. By the time you’re in your 60s and 70s it’s a bit late to get started on an anti-wrinkle program. True enough, it’s better late than never. However, don’t count on a plastic surgeon to do a brain lift on you. The best solution is to work on this issue consistently throughout your life. It is actually never too young to get started.

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