Five Tips to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

By Byron J. Richards, Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist

December 19, 2008

Five Tips to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain
With holiday parties and sweets in abundance, it can be hard to stay on a weight loss program this time of year. Don't fall into a weight-gain trend. Here are some tips to help you keep weight off this holiday season!

1. Decide that you're not going to overeat. Once you give up trying to "be good"; it can be a downward spiral. Stop eating when (or just before) you feel full.

2. Stick to the Leptin Diet guidelines of eating three meals per day without snacking. If you know you'll be having a larger meal one day, eat just two meals that day. Daily Protein Plus makes an excellent breakfast on the day that you know you'll be eating a larger meal later in the day.

3. Don't overeat at holiday parties. Our favorite trick is taking a heaping tablespoon of Fiber Helper or LeptiFiber, along with Pine Nut Oil or a Leptin Control Pack just before going to a party.

4. Avoid too much sugar. Sweets are on every corner this time of year. If you desire a dessert or cookies, eat a small amount just after your meal. Don't keep extra sweets around the house that will tempt you.

5. If you get off track one day, get back on track the next day. It's easier for your metabolism to bounce back after one day of eating more versus one week of eating more.

And one more tip -- If you know you'll be eating more it's a good idea to exercise more!

Happy Holidays!

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