Are You Eating Green?

By Byron J. Richards, Board Certified Clinical Nutritionist

July 29, 2008

Are You Eating Green?
The average processed food travels 1500 miles before it is consumed. On top of that, individuals in the U.S. are consuming 1000 to 1500 more calories per day of this garbage than they should, making themselves fat while raising health care costs for everyone.

Researchers found that 19% of total energy1 used in the U.S. relates to food production and supply. They suggest that by reducing junk food and meat consumption this level of energy consumption could be cut by 50% - while making our population much healthier.

I think we should have a new labeling rule called “Miles to Market” which lists the number of miles that food item traveled to reach your store location. On the flip side – support your local farmers – especially those growing and raising organic or with minimal pesticide use.

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