30 Day Weight Loss Challenge: Final Results

October 10, 2012

30 Day Weight Loss Challenge: Final Results
Wed morning, final weigh in: I am down another 2 pounds this past 1 ½ weeks! That’s a grand total of 8 pounds I’ve lost. (Can you see me jumping up and down with excitement?!?) I am noticing more of a difference in how my clothes fit, and I have better energy. Even more significantly, after just a few weeks I am noticing how this is going to change my life forever! I am done with my 30 day challenge … but I will continue these habits for life!

The last full week got more mentally challenging for me. I wasn’t as interested in keeping track of everything I ate and drank like when I started the challenge. Tips on how I kept my motivation going: I had to go back to the mindset I had in the beginning; I needed to remember how far I have come already. Sometimes you forget where you started and think “this is good enough.” I knew these last few days were important to finish my original commitment. I also had to make sure I still didn’t have any social events (like I did the first week), since that would have made it more tempting for me to have extra food, and possibly overeat. However, I did it! I am so happy to say I lost 8 pounds in a month. Even better, I feel free from obsessing over food, which will be forever lasting.

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