
Showing 6 of 17
Sleep Helper Supplement

    Sleep Helper

    Features l-theanine and taurine to help relaxation and sleep. Especially helpful for sleep if you get a racing mind at night.*
    90 capsules
    20% off!
    $40.00 $32.00
    In Stock
    Sleep & Relaxation Package
    • Pack

    Sleep & Relaxation Package

    General description: Top sleep and relaxation nutrients.* Includes RelaxaMag ™ (100 caps), Sleep Helper ® (90 caps) and Tri-Cal (100 caps).
    25% off!
    $82.00 $61.50
    In Stock


      Contains special calcium bound to relaxing amino acids. Naturally supports sleep and relaxation.*
      100 capsules
      20% off!
      $21.00 $16.80
      In Stock


        A unique magnesium formula to support sleep, stress tolerance, the normal sleep-wake cycle, and relaxation. This is a naturally relaxing, non-drowsy formula.*
        100 capsules
        20% off!
        $22.00 $17.60
        In Stock


          Helpful for natural sleep rhythms and jet lag.*
          20% off!
          $14.00 $11.20
          In Stock


            Need some zen in your life? We've got you! Calm is an all-natural, non-drowsy supplement for relaxation, stress relief, restorative sleep, and daytime zen. Just take it easy.*
            90 capsules
            In Stock

            Health Topics

            Showing 6 of 63


            Sleep is the key time that you rejuvenate your body while performing various housecleaning chores. You need both adequate sleep time and proper sleep quality. How you feel when you wake up in the morning is exactly how good a job you did. There is no mistaking the feeling of a good nights sleep. And there is no way to effectively make up for a lack of...

            Sleep & Weight Loss

            You must get an adequate amount of sleep in order to lose weight. Sleep is prime fat burning time. If you don't get enough you throw leptin out of balance, are tired the next day, and want to eat more to try to get your energy going. This invariably leads to overeating and weight gain.Individuals with sleep deficiency or insomnia may also have concurrent...

            Help Getting to Sleep

            The command and control center of your subconscious brain is your hypothalamus gland. This gland regulates wakefulness and sleep, based on a variety of factors. Like any company, your hypothalamus gland has different departments. Your wakefulness department resides in the rear (posterior hypothalamus) and communicates directly to other primary brain...

            Unclog Lymph System for Better Sleep

            An often overlooked yet key sleep issue is something I call clogged plumbing. I am referring specifically to your lymphatic system which is highly active at night while you sleep. Your lymph system must work right in order for you to carry on proper housecleaning chores, thereby enabling you to wake up feeling well rested. Healthy function of your lymph...

            Eating Food Before Sleep

            While it is quite obvious that you can't eat and sleep at the same time, there is a profound inter-relationship in the way eating and sleep influence each other. For example, when you don't get enough sleep you are going to be tired and your body will feel stressed easier. This causes you to eat more food to try and get energy, especially if youre having...

            Maximize Your Fat Burning During Sleep

            In the course of a 24-hour time period your prime fat burning opportunity is at night while you are sleeping but only if you allow it to happen. Of course you burn extra calories when you exercise or are physically active, but in terms of your basal metabolism of fat, nighttime rules!Following a meal you tend to burn calories for energy mostly from sugar...


            Showing 6 of 327

            02 11, 2008

            Sleep Problems and Weight Gain in Children

            A February 2008 meta analysis regarding children and their lack of sleep is driving home an important point: children who do not get enough sleep are much more likely to gain excess weight. Children with the least amount of sleep had a 92% higher rate of being overweight compared to the best sleepers.

            01 02, 2008

            Quality Sleep is a Weight-Loss Key

            I have long reported that sleep is the primary fat-burning time, especially when a person does not eat food before bed. Of course if you exercise you will burn more calories during and following exercise; but in terms of the ideal time of the day to simply burn more fat it is during sleep. Between meals during the day (assuming you do not snack) you...

            03 21, 2009

            Lack of Sleep Increases Blood Sugar

            A new study shows that individuals who sleep on average less than 6 hours per night have a five fold increased risk for developing abnormally high blood sugar, knocking on the type II diabetes door.


            Showing 6 of 360
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