
Showing 6 of 7
Daily Prenatal Multi Vitamin

    Daily Prenatal Multi Vitamin

    Complete prenatal multivitamin. A foundation of superior quality nutrients to support preparation for pregnancy, pregnancy, and postpartum health.*
    20% off!
    $33.00 $26.40
    In Stock
    Blood Booster

      Blood Booster

      High quality iron bisglycinate, a true protein/iron complex. The form of iron highly absorbable and does not induce iron-related digestive distress or constipation.*
      180 capsules
      20% off!
      $38.00 $30.40
      In Stock
      Daily DHA

        Daily DHA

        Superior quality mercury-free fish oil, specifically high in DHA. DHA is an essential omega-3 oil commonly lacking from the diet. It supports brain health, cardiovascular health, and eye health.*
        20% off!
        $24.00 $19.20
        In Stock
        The Leptin Diet

          The Leptin Diet

          The Leptin Diet explains how to unleash the power of hormones to resolve fatigue, food cravings,...
          In Stock


            A nutrient-dense green algae antioxidant for detoxification, energy and digestion.*
            90 capsules
            20% off!
            $19.00 $15.20
            In Stock
            Iosol Iodine

              Iosol Iodine

              Assists formation of thyroid hormone, helps warm up body temperature, and is a protective nutrient.*
              1 fluid ounce
              20% off!
              $20.00 $16.00
              In Stock

              Health Topics

              Showing 6 of 22

              Keeping a Positive Mood after Pregnancy

              Once you make it through the first two weeks after pregnancy then you simply need to keep track of the demands on you versus your ability to recover. Nutrition plays a role in its ability to help you have more energy, greater stress tolerance, and natural thyroid support. All of these issues are fully covered on the Prenatal Nutrition topic pages, and the...

              Weight Loss Before Pregnancy

              If you are struggling with body weight prior to pregnancy you are wrestling with an inefficient leptin system that will invariably increase the risk for problems during and following pregnancy. Whenever possible, you should be at a proper body weight for at least six months prior to getting pregnant. Minimally, you should have weight issues trending...

              Quality Iron Vital for Healthy Pregnancy

              Adequate stores of iron are vital for healthy pregnancy. Iron is needed to assemble proteins to form all aspects of your baby's body; it is required for growth and intelligence. Your body handles iron with great care and caution; indeed, poor quality iron supplementation can cause a lot of problems.Not all women need supplemental iron prior to getting...

              Supporting Thyroid During Pregnancy

              Thyroid hormone works overtime during pregnancy. It sets the pace for your baby's growth and development, as well as the pace for the formation of all the hormones required to sustain a healthy pregnancy. In a sense, pregnancy is a true test of your thyroid system.It is important to understand your risks for pregnancy-related thyroid distress. The first...

              Dealing with Stress During Pregnancy

              A pregnancy that is running smoothly is a huge metabolic demand on your body, in essence a form of stress in and of itself. The last thing you need is more energy-sapping stress. Trying to do too much (which can simply mean your formerly normal routine) or having to deal with emotional tension or pressures is key factors that must be managed well. Women...

              Handling Constipation During Pregnancy

              Constipation is a common problem during pregnancy, partly due to elevated progesterone levels, partly due to thyroid struggles, and partly due to the digestive tract being compressed by the growing baby. Iron and calcium, both important for pregnancy, can also tilt one in the direction of constipation. Of course, if you are prone to constipation the...


              Showing 6 of 175

              11 07, 2009

              Being Overweight is a Pregnancy Complication

              Women considering pregnancy should do everything in their power to reach and maintain an optimal body weight prior to conception. A new study finds that being overweight is linked to a 14% less chance of a successful pregnancy, jumping to 28% for obese women.

              07 13, 2007

              Pregnancy and Obesity Do Not Mix

              Being overweight entering pregnancy is a serious health risk to both the mother and child. This is because leptin controls the growth of the placenta during pregnancy. It is vital that women of childbearing years eat according to the Leptin Diet and manage their weight prior to and during pregnancy...

              12 09, 2008

              A Statin Warning for Pregnancy

              The statin marketing machine sees potential customers in women of child-bearing age. A new warning has been issued by scientists that any type of statin and pregnancy do not mix, causing damage to the child.

              09 13, 2008

              Pregnancy Nutrition Influences Future Obesity

              Mother's have a profound affect on the future health of their children, including the risk for obesity. Fetal programming and early infant development are times when the nervous system is “hard wiring” patterns that will have heavy influence for a lifetime.


              Showing 6 of 289

              04 21, 2009

              Pregnancy, Snacking, and Obesity

              Snacking On High GI Foods During Late Pregnancy May Lead To The Birth Of A Heavier Baby With An Increased Risk Of Childhood Obesity.