
Health Topics

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Appetite & Craving Control

Many metabolic signals make you crave food. When leptin gets into your brain correctly it invariably lowers food cravings. Various nutrients are very helpful to keep your appetite in line. Soluble fiber is very helpful, in general, for this purpose. Fiber Helper™ is a high quality fiber option that easily mixes in water; taking one tablespoon with or...

Natural Remedies for Constipation

At least one good bowel movement per day is necessary for health. Two or three bowl movements per day are fine, but not required. If you get constipated, it is a major plumbing problem and consequently stresses all aspects of detoxification. Many times adequate fiber (Fiber Helper™) is enough to keep your bowels moving along and suggestions given in the...

Carbohydrate Cravings and Ghrelin

New science is shedding light on one aspect of the nature of cravings, especially for carbohydrates. Your stomachs carbohydrate-desiring hunger signal, called ghrelin, is also needed for the release of growth hormone required to repair your digestive lining. Such cravings may actually be a red flag that your digestive tract is under some form of strain...


Showing 6 of 22

12 16, 2018

Pine Nut Oil – A Potent Appetite Suppressant

The use of pine nuts and pine nut oil dates back to Greek and Roman times. They have a long history of modulating appetite and boosting energy. The oil contains a unique fatty acid called pinolenic acid, a cousin of the essential fatty acid known as GLA. Pine nut oil is the only known food with a high amount of this unique fatty acid.

12 03, 2018

Curb Holiday Cravings with Pine Nut Oil

Each holiday season, many people fall prey to their cravings and later resolve to slim down in the New Year. Here’s how to stay out of that pattern this year!

04 02, 2008

Food Addiction and Stress Eating Mechanism Identified

By experimenting with mice that were bred to have no sweet-taste ability, a direct link of food intake to pleasure has been identified for the first time. This mechanism is important because it links food acquisition directly to addictive or stress-related eating “solutions.”

02 13, 2008

Zero-Calorie Saccharin Makes Rats Fat

The latest salvo fired off at the multi-billion dollar sweetener industry found that feeding rats zero-calorie saccharin (the main component of Sweet n' Low), compared to actually eating sugar, caused them to eat more food in general as well as depressed their metabolic response to food – a double negative that readily promoted weight gain.

12 19, 2008

Five Tips to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

With all of the holiday sweets and parties, it can be hard to stay on a weight loss program. Here are five tips to help you keep weight off this holiday season!

01 05, 2011

A Family History of Alcoholism Means Obesity Could be Knocking at Your Door

Researchers have now established that the rate of obesity in women, and to some degree men, is rapidly rising in those whose parents have a history of excess alcohol use. It means that those most likely to succumb to eating extra sweet, salty, and fatty foods are those with in inherited weakness relating to addiction.


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