
Showing 6 of 16


    Carnosine is a dipeptide made up of the amino acids beta-alanine and l-histidine. It occurs...
    90 capsules
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    $44.00 $35.20
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    Adrenal Support Package
    • Pack

    Adrenal Energy Package

    Top adrenal support supplements. Includes 1 bottle of each: Adrenal Helper (90 caps), Pantethine...
    25% off!
    $110.00 $82.50
    In Stock
    Adrenal Helper

      Adrenal Helper

      Support your adrenals and boost morning energy, stamina, and vitality. This blend of adaptogenic...
      90 capsules
      20% off!
      $40.00 $32.00
      In Stock
      Brain Protector

        Brain Protector

        Brain Protector™ contains powerful antioxidants to enhance protection of the brain and nervous system. Includes blueberry and more.*
        60 capsules
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        $60.00 $48.00
        In Stock
        Glutathione Ultra

          Glutathione Ultra

          S-acetyl glutathione is a cutting-edge form of glutathione with superior absorption and bioavailability.*
          90 capsules
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          $54.00 $43.20
          In Stock
          pea ultra

            PEA Ultra

            PEA Ultra supports healthy nerve and brain function. It promotes restful sleep and has a calming...
            60 capsules
            20% off!
            $42.00 $33.60
            In Stock

            Health Topics

            Showing 6 of 18

            Protein and Fiber Help Blood Sugar Health

            Overweight individuals struggling to maintain healthy insulin function need high amounts of protein that is rich in branch chain amino acids, as well as higher amounts of soluble fiber. Both nutrients are needed beyond common levels of dietary recommendation, to prop up and stabilize the healthy function of insulin. High quality whey protein is the...

            Heart Health Overview

            Your heart never gets time off for a vacation. Made up of four chambers, your heart is synchronized by nervous system control. The challenges you must overcome to keep your heart in optimal working condition are wear and tear to your heart's structure and its energy producing systems, and stress. A startling array of new science is showing that the...

            Magnesium and Heart Rhythms

            Magnesium is a key mineral for your nervous system, heart, and overall circulation. It is required in your heart to support the heart muscle’s normal contraction-relaxation pumping actions. Your heart also requires a tremendous amount of energy to work properly, and magnesium is needed in the final step of all energy synthesis (ATP production). Your...

            Memory and Heart Health

            For those who want to support both memory and heart health, the nutrient acetyl-l-carnitine shines. Natural production of acetyl-l-carnitine in the body declines with age, just as Q10 does. Acetyl-l-carnitine is one of the most powerful nutrients for nourishing the autonomic nervous system that regulates heart rhythms. A number of studies have shown that...

            Nerve Communication and Heart Health

            Nerves must maintain healthy connections to tissues they are regulating, including the heart. When signs of nerve wear and tear (shaking, numbness, tingling, etc.) start to occur in the hands or feet, it means that the long nerves going to these areas are struggling to maintain healthy function. The basic nutrients needed for nerve transmission are B...

            Substance P, Stress, and Heart Function

            Substance P is a neuropeptide that is involved in the natural regulation of many aspects of your cardiovascular system. Under normal circumstances it helps control vascular relaxation and thus blood pressure by enhancing the formation of nitric oxide. It also promotes the normal movement of fluids out of blood vessels for a variety of reasons. The main...


            Showing 6 of 11

            09 13, 2008

            Pregnancy Nutrition Influences Future Obesity

            Mother's have a profound affect on the future health of their children, including the risk for obesity. Fetal programming and early infant development are times when the nervous system is “hard wiring” patterns that will have heavy influence for a lifetime.

            09 08, 2014

            GABA: Managing Brain Stimulation, Anxiety, and Other Consequences

            Stimulation surrounds us everywhere and everyday. Our nervous system has to process and filter this stimulation 24/7. Oftentimes, we do not realize how massive the job is in managing stimulation until something goes wrong. This may manifest as a migraine headache, panic, anxiety, depression or feeling stressed out. Sometimes it is more serious, such as...

            03 15, 2013

            Folate & Vitamin B12 for Cognitive Health and Stress

            B vitamins ability to improve the nervous system and human intelligence functions defines an important role for basic nutrition that goes far beyond the old notions of nutritional deficiency diseases. Optimizing folic acid and vitamin B12 intake can be of profound benefit to cognitive ability as well as help maintain optimal function of nerves at every age.


            Showing 6 of 45