supplements for healthy weight management, superior quality whey protein, pure fiber, and The Leptin Diet book, a key tool for success.* Includes: Leptin Control Pack, Daily Protein Plus Chocolate, Fiber Helper, Leptin Diet book (Free!) 1 month supply when you take 2 Leptin Control Pack packets per day, 1 scoop of Daily Protein Plus, and 1 tablespoon of Fiber Helper per day.
thyroid problems, and body weight issues. The Leptin Diet contains five simple lifestyle guidelines to get the hormone leptin into balance for permanent weight loss, increased energy, and optimum health.
Much more than a diet book, Mastering Leptin explains how your hormones govern weight loss and what you can do to once and for all take control of your weight, increase energy, and improve overall health.
Comprehensive weight management nutritional supplements in convenient on-the-go packets. These nutrients support thyroid health, metabolism, and leptin function.*
Leptin is a hormone that comes from your stored body fat. It controls your metabolism, including the function of thyroid hormone. It controls your body weight. Women have a higher percentage of body fat than men, and thus higher levels of leptin even when not pregnant. This is specifically so that women have enough energy reserves to sustain pregnancy and...
No simple fix or miracle weight loss pill will ever address the complexity of leptin in your metabolism. Beware of false marketing for any one product making this claim (Many leptin products are out there, all of them riding on our coattails, as we are the original leptin experts). On the other hand, there are many nutrients that beneficially impact...
Aerobics is an excellent fat burning exercise, especially when you are fit enough to do a one hour aerobic session. Of course strength training, stretching, relaxing, walking, and general physical activity are equally important.Aerobic exercise is proven to help curb your appetite. It has been shown to increase BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor)...
Aerobics is an excellent fat burning exercise, especially when you are fit enough to do a one hour aerobic session. Of course strength training, stretching, relaxing, walking, and general physical activity are equally important.Aerobic exercise is proven to help curb your appetite. It has been shown to increase BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor)...
Wellness Resources Weight Management Supplements help improve leptin hormone communication, reduce food cravings, increase energy, support healthy thyroid function, and improve blood sugar metabolism. They make getting started on a weight loss program easier and can help you get beyond a weight loss plateau.* Nutritional supplements are tools to use in...
Leptin is the single most important hormone that regulates your body weight. It is the boss of thyroid hormone, insulin, growth hormone, and adrenal hormones (like cortisol). Understanding leptin and working in harmony with it opens an entire new world of possibilities to maintain and attain optimal metabolic function. Leptin is known as the fat hormone...
There are five simple rules that form the core of The Leptin Diet. The quality of the food you eat is of course important. What is interesting about The Leptin Diet is that it is just as important when you eat as what you eat.
Your liver plays a central role in the metabolism of any type of calorie. During weight gain your liver is being punched in the nose by inflammatory metabolic flu signals coming from your white adipose tissue (stored fat) and your digestive tract (bacterial imbalance, LPS, Candida, etc.). At the same time, your white adipose tissue is unable to store fat...
Quoting the new press release covering the study, “Eat less, exercise more. Now there is new evidence to support adding another “must” to the weight-loss mantra: eat at the right time of day.” How flattering, I've been saying those exact words since publishing Mastering Leptin in 2002.
The Leptin Diet® teaches you to maximize your ability to get energy from the food you eat – meaning you can eat less food and feel great. It is the first diet based on the science of leptin, and it is an astoundingly simple and common sense way to eat. It is not a fad diet or calorie manipulation – it is simply an eating lifestyle that makes all the...
Being overweight in America is a national epidemic. It affects citizens of all ages. If you are overweight, then losing weight in a healthy and consistent way is the best thing you can do to help improve your quality of health. It will also benefit almost any other health problem.
A High-Protein Diet Induces Sustained Reductions in Appetite, Ad Libitum Caloric Intake, and Body Weight Despite Compensatory Changes in Diurnal Plasma Leptin and Ghrelin Concentrations.
Leptin Mediates High-Fat Diet Sensitization of Angiotensin II-Elicited Hypertension by Upregulating the Brain Renin-Angiotensin System and Inflammation.
Resistance of Janus kinase-2 dependent leptin signaling in natural killer (NK) cells: a novel mechanism of NK cell dysfunction in diet-induced obesity.