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Mastering Leptin

    Mastering Leptin

    Have you tried every diet and still can't lose weight? Do you lose weight and gain it right back?...
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    The Leptin Diet

      The Leptin Diet

      The Leptin Diet explains how to unleash the power of hormones to resolve fatigue, food cravings,...
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      21st Century Thyroid

        21st Century Thyroid

        Thyroid hormone function is linked to energy, mood, body weight, digestion, blood sugar,...
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        Health Topics

        Showing 6 of 6

        Final Comments on Leptin

        When using nutrition to support leptin function you are simply trying to nourish your overall leptin system, along with your other systems. This approach falls under the category of assisting the healthy structure and function of your body and is not the treatment or prevention of any disease or medical condition.The topics previously listed are key...

        Final Comments on Leptin

        When using nutrition to support leptin function you are simply trying to nourish your overall leptin system, along with your other systems. This approach falls under the category of assisting the healthy structure and function of your body and is not the treatment or prevention of any disease or medical condition.The topics previously listed are key...

        Bone Health

        Strong bones, bone density, optimal bone mass, bone growth, and bone rejuvenation are all topics vital to the quality of your health. Premium-quality minerals, vitamin D, vitamin K, and other important bone-building nutrients are essential to provide adequate nutrition for the ongoing process of bone rejuvenation.*New science shows that managing the...

        Weight Management and Cellulite

        Fat cell fitness is an issue of immense importance. As a person gains weight fat cells expand in size and replicate, and their metabolism becomes sluggish. Problems are aggravated by high stress. Within cellulite not only are the fat cells expanding in size, they are being knocked into irregular shapes. Fat cells naturally fill up with triglycerides when...

        Complex Thyroid Problems

        Individuals are quite confused by many thyroid-related medical terms that are bantered about: hypothyroid, hyperthyroid, elevated thyroid autoantibodies, or Hashimoto's thyroiditis to name a few. Oftentimes an individual will have all the symptoms of a low or underactive thyroid yet lab tests come back normal. In other cases, lab tests do not come back...

        Weight Management and Detoxification

        Random fat sampling by our EPA shows that all Americans store fat-soluble toxins from common chemical exposures in their fat. This is a testament to the amount of pollution we face. Some of these like PCBs, which are proven to elevate in your blood as they are released from fat when you lose weight, can be quite toxic. You must be able to get toxins out...


        Showing 6 of 11

        01 12, 2009

        What is Leptin?

        I have spent more than twenty years on the front lines of clinical nutrition helping thousands of people solve very difficult health problems – naturally. In all these years I have never encountered more powerful principles of health than those relating to leptin.

        04 02, 2012

        The Leptin Diet Weight Loss Challenge #1 – Overview and Basic Needs

        Being overweight in America is a national epidemic. It affects citizens of all ages. If you are overweight, then losing weight in a healthy and consistent way is the best thing you can do to help improve your quality of health. It will also benefit almost any other health problem.

        08 25, 2014

        Brain Fatigue 101

        Are you feeling foggy or exhausted? Drained, overwhelmed, or burned out? Are you forgetting what’s on your grocery list or falling asleep when working on a project or reading? These are symptoms of brain fatigue. Brain fatigue is something that everyone has experienced on some level. It doesn’t matter what age one is; we all need to pay attention to it....

        11 04, 2018

        Thyroid TSH Changes Throughout the Day

        Have you ever wondered why your thyroid lab tests are normal even when you’re experiencing low thyroid symptoms? Thyroid TSH naturally fluctuates throughout the day and could explain this mystery.

        03 07, 2013

        Detoxification During Weight Loss

        Learn to manage your detoxification systems properly as you lose weight; its an important determining factor in how much progress you make and whether of not you reach your goal weight.


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