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Mastering Leptin

    Mastering Leptin

    Have you tried every diet and still can't lose weight? Do you lose weight and gain it right back?...
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    The Leptin Diet

      The Leptin Diet

      The Leptin Diet explains how to unleash the power of hormones to resolve fatigue, food cravings,...
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      Health Topics

      Showing 6 of 14


      Fibromyalgia essentially means that your muscles hurt too much, you have too much fatigue, you don't sleep well, you run out of gas and start hurting doing what many others consider normal activity, you have very poor stress tolerance, and your nerves feel wound up like a cat on a hot tin roof. Your ability to exercise and get a good response to exercise...

      Energy and Metabolism

      In normal energy production for every calorie you burn you make 33 molecules of ATP (cellular energy). In fibromyalgia you are often making 3 ATP instead of 33 (1/10th the energy) and a pile of lactic acid. You need to employ strategies so that you are making 33 ATP per calorie more hours in the day at which point your energy will feel better and your...

      Stress and Adrenals

      Stress-related systems in your body enable you to adapt to demands, cope with them, and then bounce back to a baseline of more relaxed function. These systems are strained in any person with fibromyalgia. This means stress responses may not happen at all, they may not happen at the right time, they may be exaggerated, and commonly it feels like something...

      Restful Sleep

      Many people with fibromyalgia are physically exhausted yet go to bed and stare at the ceiling. In general, the more hours in the day your energy runs better the easier it will be for you to go to sleep. Your nerves will not go to sleep easily when there is too much trash in your body and you have built up too much Substance P in your nerves as the day has...

      Body Repair

      In some ways having to deal with fibromyalgia on a day in and day out basis is like having your body subjected to battle the battlefield being the inside of your body. Part of getting on track is naturally rejuvenating your body tissues, joints, and muscles. Best results occur as you use such nutrition in combination with a moderate and consistent...

      Tips for Those with Fibromyalgia

      One of the nutritional challenges in trying to help people who are struggling with fibromyalgia is to help them get their natural detoxification systems in better working condition. A person with fibro will usually think they need every single product described in this detoxification section.In reality they just need to get started and see how they do....


      Showing 6 of 63

      03 30, 2010

      Exercise for Fibromyalgia Patients

      Fibromyalgia is a health problem wherein multiple aspects of natural balance no longer function correctly, including the ability to recover from exercise. Those with nasty fibromyalgia often experience a significant flare up in their pain when they try to do more. Unfortunately, being inactive only makes matters worse. A new randomized trial proves how...

      06 10, 2008

      Fibromyalgia Pain is Better Understood

      Those struggling with fibromyalgia know that they can get a large flare up of pain doing activities that many people consider normal or routine, including exercise. A new study explains that the nature of this problem has been identified as an increased subconscious brain processing of pain stimuli – like making a mountain out of a molehill.

      05 06, 2010

      Obesity and Inactivity Drive Fibromyalgia Risk

      A new Norwegian study tracking individuals and their health habits and health problems for many years has determined that inactivity and weight gain are major risk factors for developing future fibromyalgia.


      Showing 6 of 66

      06 14, 2013

      Ubiquinol Q10 and Fibromyalgia

      Increased oxidative stress and coenzyme Q10 deficiency in juvenile fibromyalgia: amelioration of hypercholesterolemia and fatigue by ubiquinol-10 supplementation.

      03 30, 2010

      Exercise and Fibromyalgia

      Effects of lifestyle physical activity on perceived symptoms and physical function in adults with fibromyalgia: results of a randomized trial.
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