
Showing 6 of 35
Pantethine 300mg, 90 capsules


    Pantethine promotes metabolism of cholesterol and triglycerides. It also supports the adrenal system and improves mental clarity.*
    90 capsules
    20% off!
    $48.00 $38.40
    In Stock
    Lipid Helper

      Lipid Helper

      Non-flush niacin, pterostilbene, and milk thistle. Supports cholesterol and triglyceride metabolism.*
      90 capsules
      20% off!
      $31.00 $24.80
      In Stock
      Daily Super E 90 caps

        Daily Super E

        This superior quality complete tocotrienol complex supports cholesterol metabolism, arterial health, bones, and skin. Put the power of tocotrienol vitamin E to work for you!*
        20% off!
        $41.00 $32.80
        In Stock
        Fiber Helper

          Fiber Helper

          Provides an easy way to boost your fiber intake. This product is high in oat beta-glucan. It has a pleasant, light oat taste and mixes well. Helps absorb and clear toxins and cholesterol.*
          525 grams
          20% off!
          $41.00 $32.80
          In Stock
          cardio supplement package
          • Pack
          25% off!
          $220.00 $165.00
          In Stock
          Green Tea Extract

            Green Tea Extract

            Highest quality green tea extract for weight management.*
            90 capsules
            20% off!
            $28.00 $22.40
            In Stock

            Health Topics

            Showing 6 of 28


            A remarkable amount of new science is opening the door to help you maintain proper cholesterol metabolism. Cholesterol is essential for health in many different ways. Our society has been dumbed down by labeling LDL cholesterol as "bad." LDL cholesterol is vital for survival. Understanding how it works as part of your overall cholesterol fitness plan will...

            Cholesterol Fitness & Your Diet

            Diet, exercise, weight management, and dietary supplements form a terrific approach to healthfully managing your cholesterol fitness. The new science shows that keeping your cholesterol levels in a healthy range requires that you properly manage the entire subject of fat. This includes triglyceride metabolism, weight management, the condition of your...

            Tocotrienol Vitamin E & Cholesterol Metabolism

            Gamma tocotrienol communicates with the primary enzyme involved with cholesterol metabolism, HMG-CoA reductase. In normal cholesterol metabolism, the production of cholesterol is self regulating. This is similar to a person at the end of a production line making a phone call back to the person at the front of the line, telling them enough widgets have...

            Managing LDL Cholesterol

            Cholesterol fitness is a subject with many variables. Cholesterol is found in every cell of your body and is vital for survival and longevity. LDL cholesterol has been labeled "bad" because once it is damaged it can accumulate in plaque that lines arteries. However, the proper function of LDL cholesterol is vital to your health and the normal function of...

            Sluggish Thyroid & Cholesterol

            Proper thyroid function is another important aspect of cholesterol fitness. Every cell in your body uses small fragments of cholesterol for needed metabolic functions, including the support system to maintain the three-dimensional structure of the cell itself. The rate that cholesterol is used is governed by thyroid hormone. If thyroid function is...

            Leptinal & Healthy Fat Cells

            Leptinal® supports cholesterol fitness in a variety of novel ways.Fat cells within stored fat use small fragments of cholesterol to stabilize the structure of their cell membranes. When a person gains weight these fat cells expand in size, stressing the actual structure of the fat cell. The stressed fat cells send out a call to the liver for more...


            Showing 6 of 329

            08 05, 2009

            High Cholesterol in Middle Age Linked to Future Alzheimer's Risk

            A new study that followed 9,844 members of the Kaiser Permanente Northern California Medical Group for four decades has found that those who had total cholesterol greater than 250 when they were ages 40 to 45 were 57% more likely to develop Alzheimer's. Those whose total score was between 200 and 249 were 50% more likely to have developed dementia.

            07 27, 2010

            Low LDL Cholesterol Increases Depression Risk in Elderly Men

            A French study of 1040 women and 752 men, age 65 and older, evaluated their cholesterol levels in the context of who developed clinical depression over a 7-year period. Men with the lower levels of LDL had double the risk of developing clinical depression. Women with lower levels of HDL cholesterol had a 50% increased risk of developing depression.

            12 07, 2011

            Strawberries are Good for Cholesterol Health in Overweight People

            Overweight individuals consuming strawberry powder extract over a 3-week period reduced total cholesterol while boosting the size of LDL particles (too many small LDL particles are risky for cardio health). The U.S. Department of Agriculture researchers stated their study suggests “a potential role for strawberries as a dietary means to decrease...

            11 19, 2006

            A Bombshell Drops on Cholesterol Medication's Glass House

            It had to happen sooner or later. On October 3, 2006, after extensive review of all studies relating to cholesterol-lowering benefits by statin drugs, scientists reporting in the Annals of Internal Medicine pulled the rug out from under the current government-sanctioned cholesterol levels for reducing cardiovascular disease. Their conclusion, “current...

            08 26, 2008

            Low Cholesterol Increases Cancer and Death Risk

            In a major shot fired across the bow of the statin marketing machine, the levels of LDL cholesterol that are the artificial targets of “health” promoted by the American Heart Association (AHA) are now found to be associated with a significant increased risk of cancer and death.


            Showing 6 of 698

            06 18, 2008

            Chlorella Helps Metabolize and Clear Cholesterol

            Hypocholesterolemic mechanism of Chlorella: Chlorella and its indigestible fraction enhance hepatic cholesterol catabolism through up-regulation of cholesterol 7alpha-hydroxylase in rats.