
Showing 6 of 6
Super Mini-Multi

    Super Mini-Multi

    Superior quality children's multivitamin. Contains essential nutrients for growth in highly absorbable forms.*
    120 capsules
    20% off!
    $25.00 $20.00
    In Stock
    Sleep & Relaxation Package
    • Pack

    Sleep & Relaxation Package

    General description: Top sleep and relaxation nutrients.* Includes RelaxaMag ™ (100 caps), Sleep Helper ® (90 caps) and Tri-Cal (100 caps).
    25% off!
    $82.00 $61.50
    In Stock
    Blood Booster

      Blood Booster

      High quality iron bisglycinate, a true protein/iron complex. The form of iron highly absorbable and does not induce iron-related digestive distress or constipation.*
      180 capsules
      20% off!
      $38.00 $30.40
      In Stock
      Daily DHA

        Daily DHA

        Superior quality mercury-free fish oil, specifically high in DHA. DHA is an essential omega-3 oil commonly lacking from the diet. It supports brain health, cardiovascular health, and eye health.*
        20% off!
        $24.00 $19.20
        In Stock
        Mastering Leptin

          Mastering Leptin

          Have you tried every diet and still can't lose weight? Do you lose weight and gain it right back?...
          In Stock


            A nutrient-dense green algae antioxidant for detoxification, energy and digestion.*
            90 capsules
            20% off!
            $19.00 $15.20
            In Stock

            Health Topics

            Showing 5 of 5

            Children's Health

            Many factors play a role in children's health. Diet quality, exercise, digestive health, immune system function, and brain nutrition are important areas for any child. The foods that many children eat today are lacking in nutritional value. We recommend that children avoid excess sugar, food colorings, additives, and processed foods. Also, it is smart to...

            Optimizing Children's Intelligence after Preganacy

            Pregnancy and lactation offer a tremendous window of opportunity to support optimal brain development for your child. Many nutrients are involved with higher-level brain function. These include sulfur-rich protein, B vitamins, iodine, and DHA. All of these have been discussed extensively in this section and/or in the section on Prenatal Supplements.When...

            Cleansing the Lymph System

            The fluid around all your cells is called lymph fluid. It moves waste products through various lymph channels and nodes which have two main outlets (thoracic ducts) on either side of your spine around the shoulder areas of your back. Pressure, stiffness, or pain building up in this region is a sign of lymphatic congestion.Your lymph is more active at...

            Postpartum Nutrition

            The birth of a child is one of the great joys in life. It is also a vulnerable time for both mother and child. It is truly unfortunate that families are not more aware of advanced nutritional science and how it can help ensure the postpartum time is relatively free of problems. Delivery itself is a major life event for the entire family. For mother and...

            Prenatal Iodine: Great for Intelligence

            Iodine is essential for brain function and intelligence. Since 2001, there have been numerous studies showing the importance of iodine during pregnancy, not only to help your thyroid work better, but specifically for the cognitive and neurological development of your child.It is important to understand that there is a window of time, especially the first...


            Showing 6 of 197

            07 17, 2008

            Appetite Drives Obesity in Children

            A new study closely tracks the relationship of appetite to the development of obesity in children, hoping to shed light on why some kids don't get fat and others do. The researchers found that as a child's waistline gets larger, the full signal is blunted or delayed and the desire for food intake increases.

            03 16, 2011

            How Poor Maternal Nutrition Causes Later Life Obesity

            Children born to malnourished mothers, often reflected in low birth weight, have multiple health challenges facing them in the future, including an increased risk for obesity. A new study shows that malnourishment in the womb messes up leptin circuitry in the brain following birth, leading to a future adult who “needs” to overeat in order to get a full...


            Showing 6 of 128

            01 24, 2011

            Magnesium Helps Sleep in Children

            Supplementation of polyunsaturated fatty acids, magnesium and zinc in children seeking medical advice for attention-deficit/hyperactivity problems - an observational cohort study.