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Mastering Leptin

    Mastering Leptin

    Have you tried every diet and still can't lose weight? Do you lose weight and gain it right back?...
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    Health Topics

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    Children's Health

    Many factors play a role in children's health. Diet quality, exercise, digestive health, immune system function, and brain nutrition are important areas for any child. The foods that many children eat today are lacking in nutritional value. We recommend that children avoid excess sugar, food colorings, additives, and processed foods. Also, it is smart to...


    Showing 6 of 8

    08 25, 2014

    Brain Fatigue 101

    Are you feeling foggy or exhausted? Drained, overwhelmed, or burned out? Are you forgetting what’s on your grocery list or falling asleep when working on a project or reading? These are symptoms of brain fatigue. Brain fatigue is something that everyone has experienced on some level. It doesn’t matter what age one is; we all need to pay attention to it....

    04 02, 2012

    The Leptin Diet Weight Loss Challenge #1 – Overview and Basic Needs

    Being overweight in America is a national epidemic. It affects citizens of all ages. If you are overweight, then losing weight in a healthy and consistent way is the best thing you can do to help improve your quality of health. It will also benefit almost any other health problem.

    01 27, 2009

    The Failure Empire: Bob Greene Rakes It In, Oprah Fails

    The scene is comic: Bob Greene sitting next to Oprah on her TV show, kicking off the New Year, as Oprah tries to explain to her viewing audience why she gained forty pounds – again. Not once did she turn to Greene and say, “Bob, I guess your program is just a bit too hard to follow, something must be wrong with it.”

    11 02, 2006

    How the FDA is Causing the Obesity Epidemic

    I am amazed by the relentless attack of Big Pharma-controlled media on dietary supplements that help people lose weight. The FDA, colluding illegally with health officials in Mexico and Canada, has weight-loss fraud at the top of their list. The FDA is constantly insinuating that all weight-loss supplements are fraudulent and unproven, and they implore...


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