
Showing 6 of 35
Super CoQ10 Ubiquinol

    Q10, Super CoQ10 Ubiquinol

    The ubiquinol form of Q10 is an excellent antioxidant nutrient that supports cellular energy...
    60 capsules
    20% off!
    $48.00 $38.40
    In Stock
    Leptinal 90 caps


      Powerful omega oil and antioxidant blend to support a healthy metabolism and cardiovascular wellness.*
      20% off!
      $55.00 $44.00
      In Stock
      Green Tea Extract

        Green Tea Extract

        Highest quality green tea extract for weight management.*
        90 capsules
        20% off!
        $28.00 $22.40
        In Stock
        Resveratrol Ultra

          Resveratrol Ultra 500

          High potency, ultra-pure resveratrol standardized to 98% active trans-resveratrol. Resveratrol is a...
          90 capsules
          20% off!
          $55.00 $44.00
          In Stock
          Daily Super E 90 caps

            Daily Super E

            This superior quality complete tocotrienol complex supports cholesterol metabolism, arterial health, bones, and skin. Put the power of tocotrienol vitamin E to work for you!*
            20% off!
            $41.00 $32.80
            In Stock
            Cardio Helper

              Cardio Helper

              Premier nutritional supplement to support circulation, strengthen the cardiovascular system, and promote healthy fluid balance especially in legs.*
              90 capsules
              20% off!
              $47.00 $37.60
              In Stock

              Health Topics

              Showing 6 of 27

              Cardiovascular Health

              Three key areas are central to cardiovascular wellness: blood pressure (circulation), cholesterol (and other blood fats), and the health of the heart muscle itself. Cardiovascular fitness depends on each of these key areas working optimally. Science supports the effective use of dietary supplements to greatly assist you in your efforts to maintain...

              Coenzyme Q10 and Heart Health

              Coenzyme Q10 is essential for energy production in your body; without enough Q10 you simply can not make energy at an optimal rate. Your heart requires huge amounts of energy to run properly. When you are fatigued, your nerves and heart do not have the energy they need to function in an optimal way, pointing your health in the wear and tear direction.*...

              Blood Pressure

              Pumping blood around your body requires pressurization in order to properly deliver oxygen and nutrients to places that need them. Blood pressure naturally rises when demands increase, such as to meet the needs of an emotionally or physically demanding situation. Once the extra demands are over, then blood pressure should return to a relaxed baseline....

              Blood Pressure Basics

              Diet, exercise, stress management, and dietary supplements form a comprehensive approach to healthfully managing your blood pressure fitness. It is very important to follow the Five Rules of The Leptin Diet as failing to do so excessively elevates blood fats between meals (triglycerides) which place too much sludge in your circulation and thus your system...

              Fish Oil and Blood Pressure

              Leptinal® provides nutrients that are vital for your circulatory system. The endothelial cells that line your arteries send out signals that work with your heart and muscle contractions to create the ebb and flow of your blood pressure (systolic = higher number and diastolic = lower number). These cells accomplish this by using regulatory signals called...

              Omega 3 Oils and Heart Rhythms

              A significant body of science has left no doubt that omega 3 oils, of which DHA is the most important, have a significant ability to support Heart Rate Variability (HRV), reflecting a healthy nerve-heart relationship. Doses of DHA fish oil ranging from 1 to 6 grams have shown benefits, with higher doses offering more support. Fish oil, due to its DHA...


              Showing 6 of 90

              05 15, 2008

              Your Stomach and Cardiovascular Health

              Just about everyone now realizes that the size of your waistline reflects your degree of cardiovascular risk. A new angle on the issue has emerged and it has to do with your stomach itself, as opposed to the amount of extra belly fat. It has to do with your stomach's hunger signal, ghrelin.

              02 04, 2010

              How Exercise Improves Cardiovascular Health

              The way modern medicine treats cardiovascular patients you would think that anyone with a problem is so brittle they need to be considered a humpty-dumpty about ready to fall off a wall. This logic is extended to exercise wherein individuals are cautioned not to overdo it. A new study shows that it is the force of the blood moving through your...

              04 05, 2009

              Sleeping Problems Disturb Cardiovascular Health

              Timing is a key principle of health. Sleeping and waking are timed to the earth's 24 hour clock, and so is the health of your circulatory system. New research is discovering that timing rhythms of your body have a powerful influence on the health of the cells that line your circulatory system.

              06 14, 2007

              Fat Fitness and Cardiovascular Health

              On the cover of my book, The Leptin Diet, is the million dollar question, “How fit is your fat?” Scientists are now catching on to this concept and actively studying how a fit leptin system results in a fit metabolism and proper body weight that are likely to provide significant reduction in the development of cardiovascular disease.

              10 24, 2011

              DHA & EPA Continue to Impress for Cardiovascular Health

              The long chain omega-3 essential fatty acids of DHA and EPA are the most lacking nutrients in the American diet, compared to what humans have traditionally been eating over the past thousands of years. Two new studies add to the overwhelming evidence that these fatty acids, especially DHA, are incredibly beneficial to cardiovascular health.


              Showing 6 of 89

              07 12, 2010

              Q10, E, C, and Selenium: Impact of Cardiovascular Health

              Effect of long-term treatment with antioxidants (vitamin C, vitamin E, coenzyme Q10 and selenium) on arterial compliance, humoral factors and inflammatory markers in patients with multiple cardiovascular risk factors.