
Showing 2 of 2
Super Dophilus

    Super Dophilus

    Contains six super-strains of friendly flora/ probiotics for GI health and digestion. This is an excellent option for building up good bacteria in the digestive tract. May help gas or bloating.*
    100 capsules
    20% off!
    $31.00 $24.80
    In Stock
    Colon Clear
      90 capsules
      In Stock

      Health Topics

      Showing 6 of 7

      Digestion & Immunity

      Your digestive tract is the primary place of interaction between your immune system and foreign cells. The 3-5 pound mass of foreign cells that exist at any one time in your gut actually contain more cells than your body! In essence, this foreign cell mass is a type of "metabolic organ" that is vital to your digestion and health.  Much of your immune...

      Handling Constipation During Pregnancy

      Constipation is a common problem during pregnancy, partly due to elevated progesterone levels, partly due to thyroid struggles, and partly due to the digestive tract being compressed by the growing baby. Iron and calcium, both important for pregnancy, can also tilt one in the direction of constipation. Of course, if you are prone to constipation the...

      Common Digestive Problems

      The most common digestive complaints involve indigestion, heartburn, gas, and bloating. If you lack digestive enzyme power, the acid and alkali components of food chemically interact, forming gas and heartburn—commonly known as simple indigestion. The first remedy is to take Digestive Helper™ before, with, or following your meal. Another common cause of...

      Natural Remedies for Constipation

      At least one good bowel movement per day is necessary for health. Two or three bowl movements per day are fine, but not required. If you get constipated, it is a major plumbing problem and consequently stresses all aspects of detoxification. Many times adequate fiber (Fiber Helper™) is enough to keep your bowels moving along and suggestions given in the...

      Carbohydrate Cravings and Ghrelin

      New science is shedding light on one aspect of the nature of cravings, especially for carbohydrates. Your stomachs carbohydrate-desiring hunger signal, called ghrelin, is also needed for the release of growth hormone required to repair your digestive lining. Such cravings may actually be a red flag that your digestive tract is under some form of strain...

      GI Irritation, Nausea, and Diarrhea

      The outer cells of the inside lining of your GI tract are renewed every 24 hours. Cells several layers deep are renewed every three days. This fast turnover of mucous-producing cells is needed to maintain the structural integrity of the lining of the GI tract. If this natural process of repair is not functioning at an optimal pace then adverse effects of...


      Showing 6 of 23

      07 13, 2020

      Mosquitoes Bugging You? Nutrition Can Help

      Have you ever wondered why you or a family member are more sensitive to mosquito bites compared to others? Your sensitivity and reaction can help give some insight into your state of health.
