
Showing 4 of 4
Daily DHA

    Daily DHA

    Superior quality mercury-free fish oil, specifically high in DHA. DHA is an essential omega-3 oil commonly lacking from the diet. It supports brain health, cardiovascular health, and eye health.*
    20% off!
    $24.00 $19.20
    In Stock
    DHA Kids

      DHA Kids

      Highest quality DHA in small gelcaps for children. Molecularly distilled and mercury free fish oil.
      90 capsules
      20% off!
      $18.00 $14.40
      In Stock
      Leptinal 90 caps


        Powerful omega oil and antioxidant blend to support a healthy metabolism and cardiovascular wellness.*
        20% off!
        $55.00 $44.00
        In Stock
        Daily Super Pack

          Daily Super Pack

          Convenient on-the-go packets with our top essential Daily Supplements. Cover your basic nutrient needs, improve energy naturally, and stay well with this powerful nutrient combination.*
          60 packets
          20% off!
          $149.00 $119.20
          Out of Stock. ETA 10/4 - 10/15

          Health Topics

          Showing 6 of 11

          Fish Oil and Blood Pressure

          Leptinal® provides nutrients that are vital for your circulatory system. The endothelial cells that line your arteries send out signals that work with your heart and muscle contractions to create the ebb and flow of your blood pressure (systolic = higher number and diastolic = lower number). These cells accomplish this by using regulatory signals called...

          DHA Fish Oil

          Wellness Resources® Daily DHA™ contains the highest quality mercury free fish oil, high in DHA omega-3 oil. DHA is needed for optimal brain function, focus, eyesight, and cardiovascular health. You get omega-3 oils from eating fatty fish like salmon or tuna. The problem is, you also get a dose of mercury from the same fish. Range raised animals that graze...

          Focus & Learning

          DHA and PhosphatidylSerine (PS) are the most effective nutrients to help build healthy brain cells.* DHA is the preferred essential fatty acid and PS is the preferred phospholipid in brain cell membranes. Fatty acids attach to phospholipids to form cell membranes. The quality of brain cell membranes is thus based on the dietary intake of fatty acids and...

          DHA for Brain & Eyesight Development

          DHA is required for optimal brain and eyesight development. If you want a smart child, don't skimp on DHA. DHA is an essential fatty acid that is lacking in our processed food supply -- compared to evolution. Unfortunately, some of the now best sources of DHA, salmon and tuna, are typically high in mercury. No pregnant woman should expose herself to...

          Learning & Retention

          Your brain loves fats, and giving your brain the right fats makes a difference in focus, learning, and retention. DHA and PhosphatidylSerine (PS) are the most effective nutrients to help build healthy brain cells and improve connectivity between brain cells. This can help concentration and retention of information. These are excellent nutrients for kids...

          Eye Health

          Our eyes must constantly combat daily light and radiation exposure. If antioxidants run low, then eye stress and eye wear-and-tear follows. Research shows that antioxidants help nourish and protect the eyes, helping to maintain healthy eyesight and vision.* A basic supplement program for eye health should include a multiple antioxidant, such as Daily...


          Showing 6 of 79

          10 10, 2007

          Men Lose More Weight Taking Fish Oil

          A study published in the International Journal of Obesity found that men taking fish oil lost the most weight while on a diet, an additional 3 pounds over 8 weeks (for a total of 10 pounds). Eating salmon was also helpful.

          01 27, 2011

          Fish Oil Supplementation Boosts Muscle

          The loss of muscle during aging is invariably associated with a decline in health. A new study with older adults has found that supplementation with fish oil (DHA and EPA) can improve the synthesis of muscle protein.

          06 09, 2008

          DHA, Heart Disease, and Socioeconomic Status

          Researchers trying to figure out why those of lower socioeconomic status have greater rates of heart disease came upon the interesting discovery that they had a significant lack of essential fatty acids in their red blood cells (meaning they don't consume much dietary or supplemental DHA or EPA).

          02 22, 2009

          Why High Quality DHA is So Important

          DHA is the most biologically useful omega 3 fatty acid. The purpose of this brief review is to explain the extreme value of DHA to your health.

          10 24, 2018

          Taking a Fish Oil Supplement? Quality Matters

          You may have heard that you should be taking a fish oil supplement. However, not all fish oil is the same! Use these tips to ensure you are taking a high quality fish oil supplement.


          Showing 6 of 82

          05 02, 2008

          Mayo Clinic Endorses Fish Oil

          Mayo Clinic Proceedings Contributors Highlight Research Findings About Cardiovascular Benefits Associated With Omega-3 Fatty Acids.

          02 22, 2009

          Fish Oil is Superior to Flax Oil

          Effect of randomized supplementation with high dose olive, flax or fish oil on serum phospholipid fatty acid levels in adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.