
Health Topics


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05 08, 2013

How Exercise Reduces Heart Attack Risk

Did you know that regular exercisers who suffer a heart attack have improved survival compared to non-exercisers? This is partially because exercise boosts stores of friendly nitric oxide, which can be utilized during times of cardiovascular stress. This healthy eNOS response is diminished in overweight people, but may be enhanced with targeted nutrients...

09 05, 2017

Anti-Age Your Skin with Collagen

Aging is inevitable, but gracefully aging is up to you. Discover why Wellness Resources added bioactive collagen peptides in the new and improved Skin Rejuvenator formula.

08 27, 2009

The New World of Bones – Thyroid, Leptin, Blood Sugar, and Bone Strength

In 1994, with the discovery of leptin, the view of white adipose tissue was transformed from a warehouse whose primary role was the storage of extra calories into one of the most important endocrine organs in the human body. The explosion in leptin-related research, now involving over 16,000 studies, is a testament to the emerging reality that leptin...
