
Health Topics


Showing 6 of 222

07 25, 2016

Healthy Poop: What is Your Digestive Tract Telling You?

Before you flush, take a peek at what your body is telling you about your digestive system and how happy or unhappy it may be. Knowing what healthy bowel movements are can provide great insight into gut, liver, gallbladder, immune, and pancreatic health.

11 20, 2010

The Colorful History of Colloidal Silver & Other Silver Compounds

Colloidal silver is the product the FDA and many mainstream medical people love to hate. Listening to them you would think every person taking colloidal silver is going to turn gray with silver accumulation in their skin (argyria). Their worst nightmare is people taking colloidal silver to combat the H1N1 swine flu – the nightmare for them is that it...

05 09, 2012

A Meaningful Purpose Offsets the Effects of Alzheimer’s Brain Tangles

A fascinating new study shows that those with a meaningful purpose in life develop fewer amyloid beta brain tangles (brain plaque) that is associated with cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease. Furthermore, the brain tangles individuals did develop did not have as great an impact on them.

04 28, 2010

Death by Junk Food

A new study with mice shows that exposing them to a high phosphate junk food diet causes them to die sooner. High phosphate promotes calcification of all the wrongs things, especially kidneys and arteries. Extra phosphate exposure comes from soda and many food additives used in processed foods. The prematurely aging mice had hypogonadism,...

02 21, 2012

Animal Protein Linked to Healthier Bones

Many proponents of the acid-alkaline theory of health believe that animal protein is acid forming because if you bake it in an oven acid ash is what is left. Such people then go on to claim that since animal protein is acid forming it leeches calcium out of bones and causes bone loss, even though not a single study has ever demonstrated this happening....


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