
Health Topics


Showing 6 of 175

06 05, 2010

Progesterone Helps Prevent Preterm Birth

A new study shows that natural progesterone given to women considered at high risk for preterm delivery significantly reduced the number of women with preterm labor and delivery, especially preventing preterm delivery before 34 weeks.

08 21, 2010

Linking Your Brain, Inflammation, Social Stress and Disease Risk

The impact of social connectedness on health is becoming an intriguing area of research far more important than previously thought. I recently reported the astounding 50% risk reduction in mortality when individuals are socially connected. Two new studies lend even more insight into the importance of this issue.

09 04, 2009

Low Vitamin C Impairs Early Brain Development

Researchers have found that low vitamin C in early life results in 30 per cent less hippocampal neurons and markedly worse spatial memory (animal study). The researchers demonstrated the vital importance of proper vitamin C levels, showing that even a slight lack can cause significant brain development problems.

07 01, 2010

Antidepressants Increase the Risk of Miscarriage

There is a major push in this country by Big Pharma criminals to push antidepressant medications on stressed pregnant women – which is millions of women. The latest study shows that antidepressants during pregnancy increased the risk of miscarriage by 68%.


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