
Health Topics


Showing 6 of 197

12 18, 2006

Big Pharma Juggernaut Rolls to Victory - Health Freedom Reels - Part 2

In the middle of the night the House passed a bill at the conclusion of the lame duck session known as Adverse Event Reporting legislation for dietary supplements (S.3546). The bill was pushed through the Senate and the House by Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT), also known as the Hatch-et-man. Many Congressional leaders were hoodwinked by Hatch to back the...

09 10, 2011

Early Life Stress Can Alter Brain Structure

A child’s relationship with their mother is a key factor in terms of how their brain develops. If the mom is depressed then the child’s brain processes stress differently, leading to a larger amygdala and higher levels of glucocorticoids. This would cause a person to grow up with a brain structure more prone to an aggressive/combative stress response.

10 04, 2013

The Unique Properties of Coral Calcium

Last decade coral calcium rode the wave of infomercial hype and then crashed under the weight of unsubstantiated claims. Naysayers promoted the idea that coral calcium (which is calcium carbonate) was no different than other forms of calcium carbonate supplementation, except it was more expensive. I have used coral calcium long before the infomercial era...

03 16, 2011

Poor Maternal Diet Increases the Risk for Type 2 Diabetes Later in Life

Understanding adverse gene programming in the womb (epigenetic changes) is a key part of the new frontier of science. Researchers have now proven that a low protein diet during pregnancy (malnutrition) induces a malfunction setting in a key gene known as Hnf4a, in turn leading to significantly increased risk for type 2 diabetes later in life.

11 18, 2008

Are Vaccinations Causing Early Alzheimer's?

The issue of cognitive decline and the more advanced Alzheimer's disease is predicted to be a public health crisis in America over the next 20 years, as the swell of baby boomers hits the age when problems manifest. This past week the Wall Street Journal ran an article on a man getting Alzheimer's in his 40s, one of 500,000 Americans with early onset.


Showing 6 of 128

04 21, 2009

Pregnancy, Snacking, and Obesity

Snacking On High GI Foods During Late Pregnancy May Lead To The Birth Of A Heavier Baby With An Increased Risk Of Childhood Obesity.