
Health Topics


Showing 6 of 137

06 05, 2017

Protect Your Eyes from Drug Side Effects

While we may not think of medications affecting the eyes, it is a very real concern. Commonly prescribed medications like antibiotics, heart medications, bone drugs, and diuretics affect the whole body including the eyes, which are particularly vulnerable to the side effects of medications. Are you taking one of these vision-compromising medications?

12 26, 2023

Top Natural Health Stories of 2023

2023 is another year that shows us the power of nutrition to positively influence our health and vitality. Check out health articles from the past year!

10 13, 2014

GMOs, Roundup, and Sunscreen Linked with Diminished Brain Resiliency

We are experiencing a marked increase in the incidence of sports related concussions despite decreased participation in these sports. Researchers have determined that many who experience a concussion with slow recovery had other depleting factors leading up to the event. They have coined this deficit Diminished Brain Resiliency Syndrome.


Showing 6 of 117

08 29, 2011

DHA and Stroke Damage

Accumulation of Dietary Docosahexaenoic Acid in the Brain Attenuates Acute Immune Response and Development of Postischemic Neuronal Damage

04 15, 2010

DHA Restores Fertility

Docosahexaenoic acid supplementation fully restores fertility and spermatogenesis in male delta-6 desaturase-null mice

03 24, 2010

DHA and Brain Function in Boys

Docosahexaenoic acid supplementation increases prefrontal cortex activation during sustained attention in healthy boys: a placebo-controlled, dose-ranging, functional magnetic resonance imaging study.
September Sale


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