
Health Topics


Showing 6 of 242

02 21, 2012

Animal Protein Linked to Healthier Bones

Many proponents of the acid-alkaline theory of health believe that animal protein is acid forming because if you bake it in an oven acid ash is what is left. Such people then go on to claim that since animal protein is acid forming it leeches calcium out of bones and causes bone loss, even though not a single study has ever demonstrated this happening....

01 15, 2009

Oprah’s Thyroid Problem Explained

Oprah is creating a lot of buzz after gaining forty pounds and simultaneously claiming she solved her thyroid problem. Her statements sent internet bloggers into a frenzy.

02 17, 2014

Q10 Boosts Energy, Nerves, Muscles & Metabolism

The first anti-aging superstar nutrient, Q10 is also known to help nerves and muscles. Its collective benefits include assisting overall metabolism, including weight loss efforts.

08 14, 2013

Smoking May Cause Asthma for Three Generations

A mother who smokes during pregnancy (currently 12 percent of American women) can cause asthma in her great grandchildren. This is one example of how adverse epigenetic changes can be passed on; there are many others.


Showing 6 of 237
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