
Health Topics


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07 11, 2016

Sun Protection - What Makes Sense?

We are made to believe that sun exposure is harmful and that failure to wear sunscreen is unsafe and risky. In excess, too much sun can cause blistering sunburns and aging skin. However, sun exposure is important for vitamin D synthesis throughout the body and even cellular energy. Knowing how the skin maintains protection against UV radiation is...

11 30, 2015

Natural Support for Bladder Problems

Bladder and urinary tract disorders disorders can cause pain with urination or in the pelvic region, urinary frequency, burning, irritation, and night-time urination. New research offers support for the men and women who suffer from these concerns.

10 13, 2014

GMOs, Roundup, and Sunscreen Linked with Diminished Brain Resiliency

We are experiencing a marked increase in the incidence of sports related concussions despite decreased participation in these sports. Researchers have determined that many who experience a concussion with slow recovery had other depleting factors leading up to the event. They have coined this deficit Diminished Brain Resiliency Syndrome.

07 29, 2011

How to Recover from a Concussion – Athletes Take Note

New, advanced brain imaging shows that the thalamus region of the brain is significantly disturbed by a concussion, potentially resulting in excessive formation of abnormal circuits in the thalamus. Subsequently, this may alter perception, memory, mood, sleep, and coordination. In this article, I offer my theory that these alterations are driven by...


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