
Health Topics


Showing 6 of 329

04 15, 2008

Billions of Dollars Wasted on Medication Injuries

Great Britain, like the United States, is finding that the Big Pharma paradigm of health leaves plenty of injured victims in the wake of its path. They report over 1,000,000 injuries requiring emergency room treatment at the cost of 2 billion pounds (or about 4 billion U.S. dollars). Janet Woodcock of the FDA has stated “1.3 million people are...

09 03, 2008

Vytorin Cancer Link Opens Can of Worms

In an unprecedented change of posture the New England Journal of Medicine has reversed itself on the issue of whether Vytorin causes cancer. In the initial release of data back in July NEJM stood by Merck and Schering-Plough, who hired an Oxford consultant to rule that a 50% statistically significant increased risk of cancer was by chance. I pointed out...

08 07, 2010

Avandia and Actos Increase Fracture Risk

The often-prescribed diabetic medications Avandia and Actos have now been proven to cause an increase risk in fractures in postmenopausal women. In men if these drugs are combined with a potassium-robbing diuretic, then the fracture risk is also increased. The FDA is currently considering whether to remove Avandia from the market because it causes heart...

06 06, 2008

Dairy Prevents Bone Loss During Weight Loss

A diet of lean protein and low fat dairy, along with vegetables and fruit, was able to stop bone loss during weight loss – something that our government's food pyramid guidelines could not do. Study participants consume 30% of their calories from protein, while the food pyramid recommends only 10% of calories from protein.


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