
Health Topics


Showing 6 of 197

04 02, 2012

The Leptin Diet Weight Loss Challenge #1 – Overview and Basic Needs

Being overweight in America is a national epidemic. It affects citizens of all ages. If you are overweight, then losing weight in a healthy and consistent way is the best thing you can do to help improve your quality of health. It will also benefit almost any other health problem.

03 24, 2008

Dangers of Psych Drugs in Pregnancy

The Senate is about to approve legislation (Mothers Act - S.1375) which mandates the indoctrination of pregnant and nursing mothers into the use of extremely dangerous psychiatric medication. We already know this class of medication poses serious health risks to both mother and baby. Consequences to the baby are now proven to cause nerve-related changes...

03 08, 2010

McCain’s Anti-Supplement Bill Appears Dead – For Now

Senator John McCain showed his true colors as a big-government regulator when he recently introduced a bill, S.3002, that would have drastically impaired access to dietary supplements in the U.S. He expected his bill to be popular, at least amongst Democrats, and did not expect any significant opposition. After all, McCain is in a serious primary...

08 22, 2011

Prenatal Inflammation during Pregnancy Predicts Risk of Asthma

It is now crystal clear that crucial times for gene programming (epigenetic settings) occur in the womb, during the first few weeks of life, and also during the first few years of life. Parents have a responsibility to help their children get started on a healthy path. While it is possible to make changes to epigenetic settings later in life, it is not so...

03 18, 2009

The Potential for Intelligence is Inherited

A unique brain-imaging study of identical twins and fraternal twins has shown that genes have a profound influence on the integrity of nerve cell connections, resulting in faster processing speed and potential for intelligence. The study identified that the health of the myelin sheathing of nerves was a key sign of brain health.


Showing 6 of 128