
Health Topics

Showing 6 of 63

Blood Pressure Basics

Diet, exercise, stress management, and dietary supplements form a comprehensive approach to healthfully managing your blood pressure fitness. It is very important to follow the Five Rules of The Leptin Diet as failing to do so excessively elevates blood fats between meals (triglycerides) which place too much sludge in your circulation and thus your system...

Magnesium and Blood Pressure

Magnesium deficiency is one of the most common problems facing Americans, in part due to a lack of fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet as well as soils depleted of this vital mineral because of poor farming methods. Magnesium is readily lost by stress and sweating (making it a vital supplement for avid exercisers and athletes). Magnesium is the most...

Lymph Circulation and Blood Pressure

The lymph system has no direct pump; it runs on body movement and muscle contractions, and indirectly relies on the heart to maintain force of pressure on lymph movement. If you are not consistently active, your heart has to work harder to keep lymph moving. Problems on this "back end" of the circulatory system may promote fluid retention, vein stress,...

Quality Calcium

Developing a proper level of bone calcium and maintaining it is greatly assisted when you step up to higher quality forms of calcium. Wellness Resources® supplements contain the finest forms of calcium available on the market today. Our flagship calcium products are Daily Bone Xcel and Daily Builder, both contain the premium forms of bone calcium with...

Managing NF-kappaB

Just as your home must stand up to the ravages of weather over time, so it is that your bones must accommodate the stressors and wear and tear factors in your life. It is simple math, do you have adequate rejuvenation to offset the demands and pressures you are under?Central to this equation is a gene signal known as NF-kappaB, which is the basic...

Substance P, Stress, and Heart Function

Substance P is a neuropeptide that is involved in the natural regulation of many aspects of your cardiovascular system. Under normal circumstances it helps control vascular relaxation and thus blood pressure by enhancing the formation of nitric oxide. It also promotes the normal movement of fluids out of blood vessels for a variety of reasons. The main...


Showing 6 of 330

12 07, 2007

FDA Sleeps While Common Medications Poison the Elderly

On November 29, 2007 the FDA made a rather surprising, almost honest announcement. It said that it could not protect Americans from the dangers of drugs. A 56-page report by its Subcommittee on Science and Technology stated the FDA “suffers from serious scientific deficiencies and is not positioned to meet current or emerging regulatory...

12 25, 2009

Top 10 Health Stories of 2009

2009 was a busy year as gene-related exploration tools opened up a treasure trove of new discoveries. We've learned why some of the obvious good health habits, like getting enough sleep and exercise are more important than ever, and we've learned new things about health that were barely imagined even a year ago. Many of the following stories are feature...

06 02, 2014

Low Blood Pressure Linked with Brain Atrophy

Hypertension, COPD, obstructive sleep apnea, poor cardiac function, and aorta stiffness are well known disorders linked with poor brain health and neurodegeneration. Hypertension in midlife has been associated with more brain atrophy in later life, but it is now understood that elderly with low blood pressure have more brain atrophy than those with...

10 03, 2016

Taming the Mind at Night: Help for Insomnia

Do you have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep? Elevated cortisol at night, estrogen dominance, and histamine excess are some of the factors that can lead to sleep deprivation. Discover new ways to tame the mind at night so you can start waking up feeling rested and refreshed!


Showing 6 of 360

08 13, 2009

Too Much Sleep and Diabetes Risk

September Sale


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