
Health Topics

Showing 6 of 69

Toxins Stress Bones

While virtually any type of stress is potential wear and tear for bones. One form, too many toxins, can wreak havoc with bone strength and optimal bone health. For example, the cadmium in cigarettes is known to displace zinc within bone structure. This means that smoking is inherently weakening to your bone mass, not only because it reduces the flow of...

The Metabolic Link to Bones

One of the most dramatic discoveries in recent times is the direct linking of bone to the natural regulation of blood sugar in your body. This new science demonstrates that bones are actually an endocrine organ. It has been found that osteoblasts secrete a protein called osteocalcin that is not only involved in the formation of bone density but acts as a...

Weight Management and Cellulite

Fat cell fitness is an issue of immense importance. As a person gains weight fat cells expand in size and replicate, and their metabolism becomes sluggish. Problems are aggravated by high stress. Within cellulite not only are the fat cells expanding in size, they are being knocked into irregular shapes. Fat cells naturally fill up with triglycerides when...

Cholesterol Fitness & Your Diet

Diet, exercise, weight management, and dietary supplements form a terrific approach to healthfully managing your cholesterol fitness. The new science shows that keeping your cholesterol levels in a healthy range requires that you properly manage the entire subject of fat. This includes triglyceride metabolism, weight management, the condition of your...

Leptinal & Healthy Fat Cells

Leptinal® supports cholesterol fitness in a variety of novel ways.Fat cells within stored fat use small fragments of cholesterol to stabilize the structure of their cell membranes. When a person gains weight these fat cells expand in size, stressing the actual structure of the fat cell. The stressed fat cells send out a call to the liver for more...

Protein & Fiber Boost Weight Loss

Protein and fiber are vital for healthy weight loss. Are you getting enough? Your minimum protein intake for weight loss should be 1/2 to 3/4 of your ideal body weight in grams of protein per day. To maximize muscle metabolism, you need protein high in branched-chain amino acids, especially leucine. Unlike any other amino acid, leucine directly...


Showing 6 of 349

08 21, 2009

Slow Down & Take Smaller Bites

One of the Five Rules of the Leptin Diet is Do Not Eat Large Meals. The problem for many is that they will eat until they feel satisfied, which oftentimes means eating more than you actually need. A new study confirms the obvious, but it is worth pointing out because it is important.

01 24, 2010

Snacking on the Rise

I have long warned that American snacking is inducing malfunctioning leptin. In turn this causes weight gain and early onset of disease. I was the first to explain this problem back in 2002 in my book, Mastering Leptin. Apparently Americans are not catching on. A new study shows that snacking is on the rise. This predicts higher levels of poor health...

08 02, 2008

Protect Your Bones During Weight Loss

There is a right way to lose weight and a wrong way. The wrong way is to go on a starvation low-calorie diet and induce the leptin starvation response. When this happens you lose bone mass and weight, and you are much more likely to gain the weight back later. New research shows that the jolt to your bones may continue even after the weight loss has...


Showing 6 of 297
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