
Showing 6 of 48
Daily Protein Plus Vanilla

    Daily Protein Plus Vanilla

    Grass-fed whey protein with prebiotic fiber and organic vanilla bean. No sweeteners. Tastes great, mixes well. Excellent for breakfast!
    2 lb. (30 scoops)
    20% off!
    $60.00 $48.00
    In Stock
    Silbinol Pterostilbene 100mg

      Pterostilbene 100mg

      Pterostilbene is a sirtuin activator that supports nerves, cognitive function, cellular health, and...
      60 capsules
      20% off!
      $40.00 $32.00
      In Stock


        Our premier supplement to support healthy glucose metabolism. It helps reduce sugar cravings and can help you feel more satisfied from food. Supports healthy weight management.*
        90 capsules
        20% off!
        $36.00 $28.80
        In Stock
        Vitamin K Complex

          K, Vitamin K Complex

          Vitamin K1 and two biologically active forms of vitamin K2 (MK-4 and MK-7) to support bone strength and arterial health.*
          90 capsules
          20% off!
          $24.00 $19.20
          In Stock
          Iosol Iodine

            Iosol Iodine

            Assists formation of thyroid hormone, helps warm up body temperature, and is a protective nutrient.*
            1 fluid ounce
            20% off!
            $20.00 $16.00
            In Stock
            Daily Super E 90 caps

              Daily Super E

              This superior quality complete tocotrienol complex supports cholesterol metabolism, arterial health, bones, and skin. Put the power of tocotrienol vitamin E to work for you!*
              20% off!
              $41.00 $32.80
              In Stock

              Health Topics

              Showing 3 of 39

              Natural Remedies for Constipation

              At least one good bowel movement per day is necessary for health. Two or three bowl movements per day are fine, but not required. If you get constipated, it is a major plumbing problem and consequently stresses all aspects of detoxification. Many times adequate fiber (Fiber Helper™) is enough to keep your bowels moving along and suggestions given in the...

              Food Intolerance

              The inability to properly digest food is a key sign that energetics of the digestive tract are not in good shape. While it is best to avoid known irritants, it is also a good idea to be able to digest as much as possible otherwise food choices can become too limited, in turn leading to malnutrition. Improving any category on these digestion pages will...


              Showing 6 of 273

              12 25, 2009

              Top 10 Health Stories of 2009

              2009 was a busy year as gene-related exploration tools opened up a treasure trove of new discoveries. We've learned why some of the obvious good health habits, like getting enough sleep and exercise are more important than ever, and we've learned new things about health that were barely imagined even a year ago. Many of the following stories are feature...

              07 29, 2010

              Bone Health Can Help Prevent Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes

              A unique strain of mouse was bred to have no insulin receptors on its bone-building osteoblasts, although it had insulin receptors every place else. The mouse became fat. As it aged it grew even fatter and its blood sugar levels shot up and it developed severe insulin resistance. The mouse was treated with osteocalcin and the problems reversed....

              02 12, 2008

              Overweight Lacking Key Basic Nutrients

              Norwegian researchers found that overweight individuals were significantly lacking in vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin D, and vitamin E. This lack of nutrients was associated with a mild elevation

              04 30, 2009

              The New Swine Flu – Why Are Younger Adults Dying?

              Up to this point most deaths from the new swine flu have occurred in Mexico, striking indiscriminately at young and old. What alarms health officials is the ability of this flu to kill seemingly healthy young adults, which is a prerequisite for a pandemic. I have also received a number of questions from concerned individuals wondering if boosting their...

              07 02, 2006

              FDA Celebrates Hundred Years of Pretense

              Today marks the one-hundred-year birthday of the FDA. To celebrate, the FDA plans a gala event at the Harvey W. Wiley federal building. The FDA is touting Dr. Wiley as the “Father of the Pure Food and Drugs Act,” inviting his decedents to attend their event. The FDA is quite proud of the heritage Dr. Wiley has bestowed upon them.

              03 04, 2012

              Hypothyroidism Induces Antioxidant Depletion

              Those with hypothyroidism have significantly increased free radical production, a problem that is further magnified if cholesterol is also elevated. This means that individuals with inefficient metabolism should take higher levels of antioxidants to protect against problems occurring as part of the hypothyroid issue.


              Showing 6 of 144