
Health Topics


Showing 6 of 115

09 10, 2013

Linking Ear Infections, Hyperactive Behavior & Future Health

A new study has documented a precise mechanism by which disturbances to the ear’s hearing and balance systems cause hyperactive behavior. Since such damage can occur in humans from infections, especially recurring ear infections, the study sheds light on the importance of helping children not get too many ear infections as well as fully recovering from them.

01 25, 2016

Shark Liver Oil: Benefits More Than Just the Immune System

Shark liver oil has been long considered an immune boosting nutrient with significant ability to help healthy aging. A number of studies expand the use of shark liver oil into other arenas, including improving vascular health, supporting immunity during pregnancy, reducing muscle wasting, and more.

09 21, 2015

Leaky Gut Syndrome: More Than Just a Gut Problem

Leaky gut syndrome is associated with digestive problems such as gluten intolerance and IBS, as well as autoimmune issues, inflammation, anxiety, fatigue, skin rashes, obesity, fatty liver, neurological issues, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, and more. Learn how to solve this important issue and improve your health.


Showing 6 of 127

02 27, 2009

The Two Forms of Q10

Bioenergetic and antioxidant properties of coenzyme Q10: recent developments.