
Health Topics


Showing 6 of 329

05 23, 2013

Tocotrienols are Proven to Delay Disease

Upgrade your vitamin E! Research shows tocotrienol vitamin E to be far more biologically potent than tocopherol vitamin E, offering significant protection for the brain, heart and liver.

04 14, 2011

Whey Protein Protects Against a High Fat Diet

A new animal study shows that consumption of whey protein can offset the disease-producing effects of a high fat diet by lowering weight gain by 32%, preventing insulin resistance, and preventing the build up of fat in the liver.

07 09, 2009

Michael Jackson is Not Alone

It appeared that Michael’s problem was a combination of pain and sleeplessness, along with a history of pain medication abuse. His position and wealth allowed him atypical access to his own anesthesiologist, and he possessed an array of powerful knock-out meds that apparently did him in. Certainly the problem must have been mostly Michael and one...

02 13, 2017

Hypertension: Natural Alternatives to Calcium Channel Blockers

The class of medications known as calcium channel blockers have been linked to acid reflux, fatigue, dizziness, headaches, heart palpitations, ankle swelling and more. Nature has provided us with natural calcium channel blockers that can improve your cardiovascular health without the side effects.

04 02, 2008

Vytorin Fraud Blasted at Heart Meeting

It is not often that Big Pharma-friendly doctors pile on to a drug that is in a tailspin. That was the picture last weekend at the big American College of Cardiology meetings. A physician panel as well as the New England Journal of Medicine blasted the cholesterol-lowering Vytorin – a move sure to relegate its use to mothballs.


Showing 6 of 698

10 19, 2011

Pantethine Lowers Cholesterol in Americans

Pantethine, a derivative of vitamin B(5) used as a nutritional supplement, favorably alters low-density lipoprotein cholesterol metabolism in low- to moderate-cardiovascular risk North American subjects.