
Health Topics


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07 29, 2011

How to Recover from a Concussion – Athletes Take Note

New, advanced brain imaging shows that the thalamus region of the brain is significantly disturbed by a concussion, potentially resulting in excessive formation of abnormal circuits in the thalamus. Subsequently, this may alter perception, memory, mood, sleep, and coordination. In this article, I offer my theory that these alterations are driven by...

12 21, 2018

3 Key Nutrients to Take If You Drink Alcohol

The holidays are full of celebrating! With this comes the potential to drink more. Alcohol depletes some certain nutrients, so be sure to protect your health and help your body clear toxins.

09 01, 2008

Is Cortisol Good or Bad?

Many people have come to associate excess cortisol with a fat stomach, which happens to be true. However, there are several sides to the cortisol coin worth understanding. Several new studies highlight the vital need for cortisol in health and help to shed light on what goes wrong.

11 26, 2012

Jump Start Your Weight Loss

Need to get your appetite back under control, clear out fatty sludge, and kick your metabolism into gear? There is no better way to do this than our favorite quick weight loss plan. It is a modified diet plan that is high in quality protein and fiber.


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