
Health Topics

Showing 6 of 56

Sleep Rules

Disturbances in your sleep pattern, either not being able to get to sleep or not being able to stay asleep, are a key sign that stress friction is affecting your nerves. Poor sleep results in poor recovery leading to a reduced energy level and more fatigue the next day. This means even less energy to deal with stress. This nasty de-energizing catch 22 can...

Postpartum Excess Substance P Release

Substance P is intimately involved with pain, anxiety, and poor mood. Substance P is the main way your body processes pain and intense stress. Under routine stress, your body simply turns up the volume knob on nerve activity and energy production and when the stress is over, everything is supposed to recover. Substance P is not used as a basic coping...

All Wound Up - Substance P

Substance P is a neuropeptide that is a common regulatory compound within your nerves. It is released primarily in your brain stem and in nerve endings. It is released in small amounts on a regular basis as part of normal function of nerves. It is also released in larger amounts as the main way your body processes physical pain and intense stress. Under...

Energizing Multivitamin

Wellness Resources® Daily Energy Multiple Vitamin™ was originally designed to help people who had little or no energy. This multivitamin truly helps turn on energy production. Part of our secret is using all coenzyme forms of B vitamins, which are the actual type of B vitamins your cells use to make energy. Ordinary B vitamin supplements or B vitamins in...

Stress and Adrenal Fatigue

Normal Adrenal Stress Response When you are under increased demands of any type (emotional stress, injury, illness, physical demands, exercise, etc.), your body must increase energy production. To do this, your adrenal glands send signals to your liver to break down more calories and release them for immediate use. This energy production process creates...

Prenatal Nutrition

Your nutritional status prior to pregnancy, during pregnancy, and after pregnancy is essential to the health and development of your child. Ensure you get the highest quality, most important nutrients and vitamins for prenatal health. Preparing for Pregnancy Ideally, you should be of proper body weight and eat in harmony with the fat and pregnancy hormone...


Showing 6 of 44

02 18, 2013

DHA Needs During Pregnancy and Lactation

Getting enough DHA during pregnancy is vital for the future health of your child. Not getting enough can mean stress intolerance, poor mood, and set the stage for postpartum depression.

09 28, 2020

Social Isolation and Stress Management

Social isolation has taken a toll on so many during these times. It is a great challenge is to manage the underlying physical stress that isolation can silently cause.

08 30, 2021

Theanine: Stress Management and Beyond

Theanine is a type of amino acid found in green tea that helps stress. From cognitive and emotional stress to stress on your gut and joints, find out how it can benefit you.


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