
Health Topics


Showing 6 of 175

05 05, 2011

Friendly Flora Prevents Weight Gain from High Fat Diet

A particular strain of friendly flora, Lactobacillus plantarum, has recently been shown to prevent weight gain from a high fat diet. High fat diets are notorious for disturbing the digestive bacterial populations in a manner that promotes weight gain and makes weight loss difficult. I recently explained this in my article, How Digestive Problems Prevent...

11 07, 2007

FDA Fails Women on Birth Control Safety

A preliminary study shows that for every 10 years of birth control pills there is a 20 – 30 percent increase in peripheral artery small plaques. The study was presented at the yearly meeting of t

05 18, 2013

Breastfeeding Can Prevent Celiac Disease

You've probably heard that breastfeeding is better, but do you really understand why? Research shows that wholesome breast milk has a balancing effect on your baby's gut flora, reducing the risk of Celiac, even in spite of genetic propensity.

06 09, 2010

Obese Parents Likely to Have Obese Children, Vitamins May Help

A new study of British families shows that obese parents are far more likely to have obese children than normal-weight parents, especially if mom is obese. Another study shows that a comprehensive multiple vitamin taken during pregnancy can assist growth hormone and leptin status in the newly born child, key factors for optimal childhood development and...

04 02, 2008

Mother's Healthy Choices Influence Obesity in Offspring

A wide range of cutting edge obesity research was presented at a Conference held March 28, 2008 in Great Brittan. The conference focused on the importance of prenatal, postnatal, and early childhood eating as a determinant for later life food choices and obesity risk.

12 30, 2010

Top 10 Health Stories of 2010

2010 is a year marked by an explosion in gene-related nutritional science, with significant findings to improve the health of one and all. In contrast, the same type of gene science applied to the function of commonly used drugs is showing their true colors. These toxic poisons should be avoided for all but the most desperate use in true medical...


Showing 6 of 289