
Health Topics


Showing 6 of 200

11 14, 2007

The Gullible Jennifer Garner Flu Shot Campaign

Flu shots remain a subject of intense controversy. Vaccinations of all types remain the centerpiece of the public health herd-mentality paradigm. Just wait until the Avian flu comes, then you will see public health at its finest. Yes, there will be police-state forced vaccinations with experimental vaccines and no right of recourse if you are injured....

09 08, 2014

GABA: Managing Brain Stimulation, Anxiety, and Other Consequences

Stimulation surrounds us everywhere and everyday. Our nervous system has to process and filter this stimulation 24/7. Oftentimes, we do not realize how massive the job is in managing stimulation until something goes wrong. This may manifest as a migraine headache, panic, anxiety, depression or feeling stressed out. Sometimes it is more serious, such as...

01 05, 2011

A Family History of Alcoholism Means Obesity Could be Knocking at Your Door

Researchers have now established that the rate of obesity in women, and to some degree men, is rapidly rising in those whose parents have a history of excess alcohol use. It means that those most likely to succumb to eating extra sweet, salty, and fatty foods are those with in inherited weakness relating to addiction.

02 02, 2011

Lack of Omega 3 Linked to Poor Brain Formation and Future Depression

The lack of omega 3 fatty acids, such as DHA, in the diets of pregnant mothers has been associated with poor neurologic function and mood issues in the offspring. Researchers have now pinpointed in an animal study, that a lack of omega 3 fatty acids at this critical time of development, causes brain plasticity to form incorrectly in key areas of the brain...


Showing 6 of 396

01 13, 2010

L-Theanine and Memory

l-Theanine, an amino acid in green tea, attenuates beta-amyloid-induced cognitive dysfunction and neurotoxicity: reduction in oxidative damage and inactivation of ERK/p38 kinase and NF-kappaB pathways.
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