
Health Topics


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12 05, 2007

B Vitamin Deficient Parents More Likely to Produce Overweight Children

Proper health preparation prior to and during pregnancy has a profound affect on the future health of the child. The “fetal programming” that takes place is especially involved with energy regulation, formation of metabolic “hardware,” and the likelihood of obesity during childhood or even adulthood.

01 14, 2008

Bone Health Opens a New Door to Blood Sugar Metabolism

It was surprising enough when fat was found making various hormones like leptin and adiponectin and thus became an endocrine organ (hormone secreting). It is now time to add bones to the list of endocrine organs that have a major influence on the metabolism of calories. The new discoveries have immediate implications for improved bone health, improved...

03 09, 2009

High Fructose Corn Syrup Activates Fat Producing Gene

This month's issue of Cell Metabolism has a feature article explaining exactly how high fructose corn syrup turns on gene signaling that promotes fat formation and fat accumulation – likely to result in obesity, insulin resistance, and type II diabetes.

02 10, 2010

High Fructose Death Syrup Linked to Pancreatic Cancer

High fructose corn syrup should be banned from the food supply. The latest evidence comes from a large study of 60, 524 participants over a 14 year period. Those who consumed on average 5 high fructose corn syrup sweetened sodas per week had nearly double the risk for developing deadly pancreatic cancer.

01 02, 2008

Quality Sleep is a Weight-Loss Key

I have long reported that sleep is the primary fat-burning time, especially when a person does not eat food before bed. Of course if you exercise you will burn more calories during and following exercise; but in terms of the ideal time of the day to simply burn more fat it is during sleep. Between meals during the day (assuming you do not snack) you...

12 30, 2010

Top 10 Health Stories of 2010

2010 is a year marked by an explosion in gene-related nutritional science, with significant findings to improve the health of one and all. In contrast, the same type of gene science applied to the function of commonly used drugs is showing their true colors. These toxic poisons should be avoided for all but the most desperate use in true medical...


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